


Case Report of Treating Severe Persistent Asthma with Acupuncture to Adjust Fascia Structure




廖敏芳(Liao Min-fang);王竹君(Wang Zhu-jun);陳藝文(Chen Yi-wen);章雅純(Zhang Ya-pure);沈邑穎(Shen Yi-ying)


氣喘 ; 哮喘 ; 活血化瘀法 ; 拔罐 ; 放血 ; 疏肝湯 ; Asthma ; Promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis ; Cupping therapy ; Bloodletting therapy ; Sparse liver soup




20卷2期(2017 / 09 / 30)


99 - 114




氣喘是一種慢性呼吸道炎症反應,主要表現是支氣管痙攣,伴隨著陣發性呼氣困難及喘鳴,又稱哮喘。本病例為一自幼即罹患氣喘之53 歲女性患者,近2 年多次因氣喘發作入住加護病房,來本院中醫部求診時,正處於氣喘的發作期,症狀為呼吸喘促費力,以致無法平躺睡眠,胸悶、咳嗽、痰量多、色黃、質黏稠難咳出,伴隨大便不暢、小便量少。長期因氣喘而導致的胸廓變形與胸脅筋膜緊繃,見胸鎖乳突肌腫硬、頸腫、胸廓高腫、胸骨角腫,經過三次診治,病患氣喘發作之症狀以及頻率獲得明顯的改善,並減少對吸入劑藥物的依賴。急則治其標,以袪邪為主,內以中藥清熱化痰,兼袪瘀通絡,以恢復肺宣發肅降之功能。久病導致身體結構改變,外以針灸調整筋膜為主,令結構恢復正常,呼吸困難減少,氣血隨之順暢。並以拔罐活血化瘀、散鬱熱,放血疏通經氣等方式,內外兼治,雙管齊下,加強療效,提供了中醫治療氣喘的新思維。


Asthma is a chronic respiratory inflammation, the main performance is bronchial spasm, accompanied by paroxysmal exhalation difficulties and wheezing, also known as asthma. This case is a 53-year-old female patients suffering from asthma from childhood, nearly 2 years due to asthma attack admitted to intensive care unit. To the hospital department of medicine for treatment,she was in the onset of asthma, the symptoms of difficulty breathing, so that could not lie down sleep, chest tightness, coughing with yellow and viscous putum,accompanied by constipation and oilguria. Thoracic deformity and thoracic fascia tight was caused by long-term asthma,accompanied by sternocleidomastoid muscle swelling hard, neck swelling, thoracic hyperplasia, sternal swollen. After three visits, the symptoms and frequency of asthma episodes were significantly improved and the dependence on inhalants was reduced. Relieving the secondary symptoms first in treating acute disease, relieving the primary symptoms in treating chronic disease. We used traditional chinese medicine to reduce sputum, remove heat to restore lung function. We used acupuncture to adjust the fascia changed by chronic illness, so that the structure was returned to normal, difficulty of breathing was reduced, circulation of qi and blood was smooth. We provided a new thinking of treating asthma in chinese medicine by cupping therapy,bloodletting therapy, etc.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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