


A Case Report of Precocious Puberty Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine




林婉容(Wan-jung Lin);游榮聖(Jung-sheng Yu);陳俐彣(Li-wen Chen);蔡金川(Chin-chuan Tsai)


性早熟 ; 骨齡 ; 天癸萌發過早 ; 中醫 ; 病例報告 ; precocious puberty ; bone age ; traditional Chinese medicine ; case report




21卷2期(2018 / 09 / 30)


207 - 220




性早熟是常見的小兒內分泌疾病之一,近年來發病率顯著增高,且女童發生率較男童高。性早熟定義為女童在八歲前或男童在九歲前開始出現第二性徵發育,或女童月經初潮發生在十歲以前。疾病最終會引起骨骺板提前閉合,造成成年後身高較正常人矮小;且性發育過早,孩童心理尚未成熟,容易引起心理負擔,影響身心健康。本病例提出一位西醫小兒科診斷為中樞性性早熟(central precocious puberty)的10歲女童,身高和體重皆位於生長曲線圖第50-85 百分位,於2015/06/19至中醫兒科門診就診,主訴胸部隆起已兩年,且近三個月胸部快速發育。經中醫四診及服用中藥後胸部發育減緩,胸部脹痛、陰部搔癢感及帶下等症狀皆獲得改善,經兩年治療後身高長高16公分,報告如下。


Precocious puberty, a common pediatric endocrine disease, was defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before age eight in girls and nine in boys, and its prevalence rate has increased significantly in recent years. This case is a ten-year-old girl with breast development for two years, her secondary sexual characteristics developed rapidly in recent three months, including breast enlargement accompanied local pain, and pubic hair growth. Her bone age was about 10-11 years old. After diagnosed with central precocious puberty (Tanner stage II), she was referred to Chinese medicine department for combined treatment. She has taken Chinese medicine for last two years, including Zhi- Bai - Di- Huang- Wan and Chai- Hu- Shu- Gan decoction. After taking Chinese medicine, her breast development subsided, and breast pain alleviated. She has grown 16 centimeters during past two years. The result suggested that traditional Chinese medicine provide good medical care for children with precocious puberty.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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