


A New Exploration on the Intrinsic Features of San Jiao (Triple Membrane)




陳必誠(Bih-Cheng Chen);黃廷宇(Ting-Yu Huang)


三焦 ; 膜 ; 實質 ; 膏肓 ; 腠理 ; San Jiao ; membrane ; intrinsic features ; fat layer and serosa ; subcutaneous layer of skin




21卷2期(2018 / 09 / 30)


23 - 38




本文回顧古、今對三焦實質的各種觀點,並從中整理出較常被討論的問題,包含:三焦腑本質上是否有意義?有形或無形?三焦之形為何?等三點,但從各種論述中又可以發現,「有形」與「無形」應是個假設的問題,而「有形」的最基本單位亦無共識。因此我們認為在討論中明確的將以下四點:1.三焦「假設」為「有形」或「無形」?2.「有形」的最小討論單位為何?3.三焦的「文獻定義」基準為何?4.「三焦實質」的「定義」為何?一一說明,可使各研究三焦的學者更便於溝通想法。另外,為了示範以上想法的實際操作方式,我們特以「肓膜腠理」理論為基礎來論述三焦的實質,可發現在三焦為有形之定義時、有形者以分子為最小單位、三焦以《內》、《難》為基準這三個假設下,「肓膜腠理」多方面符合三焦的實質描述功能:「肓」是藏器外的薄膜,可通行津液、諸氣;「膜」包含組織膜,可通行津液,但輸送營衛功能較不明確,另外:膜也包含細胞膜,而膜上受體、通道,則可通行津液、營氣、衛氣、原氣;「腠理」則主要是皮下各層的組織,亦可行津液與諸氣。而由此觀點,三焦從實質的角度而論,則可翻譯作「Triple membrane」。


This study reviews the ancient and modern perceptions on the intrinsic features of San Jiao and organizes the more commonly discussed issues which includes: Is there any significance in the intrinsic features of San Jiao? Is it tangible or intangible? What is the structure of San Jiao? However, we find that "tangible" and "intangible" should be recognized as a hypothesis in many various discussions, also, there is no consensus on the smallest structure to use when discussing the structure of San Jiao. Hence, we believe that by highlighting the following 4 key points will facilitate the communication between the researchers focusing on the studies on San Jiao: 1. Is San Jiao assumed as "tangible" or "intangible"? 2. What is the basic unit of discussion of "tangibility"? 3. What is the benchmark of "literature definition" for San Jiao? 4. What is the definition of "intrinsic features of San Jiao"? To illustrate the ideas above, we specifically apply the theory of "huang mo cou li" which refers to the skin and membranes as a base for the discussion on the intrinsic features of San Jiao. Under the hypothesis of the following 3 considerations: San Jiao is defined as tangible, molecular level is the basic unit of the tangibility, Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) and Nan Jing (The Classic of Difficulty) being the benchmark reference, we identified that "huang mo cou li" meet the description of the intrinsic functions of San Jiao in many aspects. "huang", the thin serosa that cover the organs, that permeable to fluid and Qi. "mo" includes the tissue membranes that permeable to fluid but its role in the transport function of Ying Qi (Nutritive Qi) and Wei Qi (Defense Qi) is unclear. In addition, "mo" also includes cell membranes which the membrane receptors and channels that are permeable to fluid, Ying Qi, Wei Qi and Original Qi. "cou li" is mainly referred as the subcutaneous layers of tissues which are permeable to fluid and Qi. Based on these points of view, San Jiao can be translated as "Triple membrane" from the perspective of its intrinsic features.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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