


Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin in Treating Fetal Malposition




曾倫娜(Lunna Saing);吳佩青(Pei-Ching Wu);林志宇(Chih Yu Lin);劉東桓(Dung-Huan Liu)


胎位不正 ; 灸 ; 至陰穴 ; fetal malposition ; moxibustion ; Zhiyin (BL-67)




22卷2期(2019 / 09 / 30)


25 - 30




前言:探討艾灸至陰穴對於胎位不正的治療關於傳統膝胸臥式的治療是否有顯著的差異。方法:回溯型病歷對照研究,收集2011年至2014年08月在台北慈濟醫院裡來院產檢之胎位不正孕婦,篩選出符合本研究條件的病患加以分析研究。其中,有接受中醫艾灸治療之病患作為實驗組,僅接受膝胸臥式衛教者作為對照組。結果:共收集有對照組135位個案與實驗組20位個案。經無母數檢定方法(Mann-Whitney U檢定)及羅吉斯迴歸分析(Logistic regression)統計分析後,統計結果顯示艾灸治療轉胎成功相對於膝胸臥式治療的勝算比(odds ratio)為9.633倍,故艾灸治療相較膝胸臥式治療更容易轉胎成功(P<0.01)。結論:本病歷回溯研究發現本院胎位不正婦女使用艾灸至陰穴轉正胎位機率明顯高於膝胸臥式,可建議胎位不正的孕婦使用此方式治療。


Reviewing the data of pregnant women with fetal malposition in Taipei Tzu- Chi hospital from 2011 to Aug. 2014 and they also underwent "Hands and Knees Posture" or "Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin" treatment. We found that 135 pregnant women underwent "Hands and Knees Posture" and 20 pregnant women underwent "Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin" for treating fetal malposition. Through Mann-Whitney U test and Logistic regression analysis, the results show that the odds ratio of success rate of correcting fetal malposition ("Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin" compared to "Hands and Knees Posture") is 9.633 times. In conclusion, compared with the "Hands and Knees Posture" treatment, the "Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin" may be a better, more simple and safe treatment in treating fetal malposition (p<0.01).

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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