


Guideline on Infection Management and Control for COVID-19 (Wuhan Pneumonia) in Hospital and Institute of Traditional Medicine




王明鳳(Ming-Feng Wang);吳詩儀(Shih-Yi Wu);盧景裕(Ching-Yu Lu);唐佑任(You-Ien Tang);林恭儀(Justin Kung Yi Lin)


中醫醫院 ; 醫院附設中醫部 ; 中醫住院 ; 感染控制 ; 新冠肺炎 ; Chinese Medicine Hospital ; Department of TCM in hospital ; TCM Inpatient ; Infection Control ; COVID-19




23卷特刊(2020 / 06 / 30)


35 - 56




前言:嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎於國際橫行,國內醫界全面積極因應。為避免院內感染情失控,擬定完整中醫醫療院所特色之感染管制措施實在有其迫切必要性。研究方法:本研究時間自2019年12月到2020年4月止,收集學者專家資訊互動資料,採電子會議分析混和法,並以多元迴歸二次指派程序釐清訊網絡矩陣關係。結果:共呈現門診區域病人分流看診管制、個案通報處置流程、醫療機構接觸匡列原則、工作人員管制、陪探病管理、個人防護裝備、手部衛生、儀器設備管理、環境清消重點、織品布單與被服管制、醫療廢棄物處置、檢體安全管理、重症會診醫療照護、單位部門病人傳送、友院機構病人轉送、屍體處理、與中醫機構檢查表與自評表共17項建議,適用於中醫醫院、附設中醫科部或中醫住院部門感控導引措施。結論:以嚴謹科學法制訂對中醫醫療院所感控有效性(effectiveness)、工程/環境控制策略(engineering/environmental controls)、個人防護裝備(personal protective equipment, PPE)等行政策略(administrative controls)的指引管理,為中醫機構提供支持性照護COVID-19病人的標準防護、飛沫傳染、接觸傳染及空氣傳染防護措施建議,未來將視疫情發展持續進行必要的建議修訂。


Background: As Wuhan pneumonia was rampant in the world, all international and domestic medical community were actively responded to avoid uncontrollable infections in hospitals. No matter what, it was really necessary to formulate infection control measures with characteristics of complete Chinese medicine hospital and facility. Methods: To complete the guideline on infection management and Control for COVID-19, all data was collected from December 2019 to April 2020. We collected interactive information of scholars and experts, adopts electronic conference by mixed method, and clarified the relationship between the information network matrix by test R2 of multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure. In this study, we used modified Delphi method to revise the contexture of guideline in primary care viewpoints by selecting the important content with Likert scale. Results: All contents were divided into seventeen domains of recommendation, including outpatient area patient diversion control, case notification and disposal process, medical institution contact list principle, staff control, accompanying visit management, personal protective equipment, hand hygiene, equipment management, environmental clearance focus, fabric sheets and clothing control, medical waste disposal, specimen safety management, critical care medical care, unit department patient transfer, hospital institution patient transfer, corpse treatment, and Chinese medicine institution inspection form and self-evaluation form, It was applicable to the guidance and infection control of Chinese medicine hospital, Chinese medicine department and Chinese medicine inpatient hospital. Conclusions: This study formulated administrative strategies such as effectiveness, engineering / environmental controls, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other administrative strategies by using strict scientific methodology to provide supportive care for Chinese hospital fighting against COVID-19. We will continue to make necessary amendments in the future depending on the development of the epidemic situation.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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