Background: he primary care clinics of traditional medicine are crucial indispensable to the frontline of Wuhan pneumonia. Objective: To complete the guideline on infection management and Control for COVID-19 by the various conferences with traditional medical experts and scholars. Methods: In this study, we used modified Delphi method to revise the contexture of guideline in primary care viewpoints by selecting the important content with Likert scale. Results: All contents were divided into eight categories, including prioritizing patient diversion, constructing and monitoring employee health, strengthening routine infection control, enhancing protective equipment, implementing hand hygiene, paying attention to the use of equipment, and strengthening environmental clearance. Conclusions: To implement the quality of epidemic prevention and medical care of patient in Taiwan traditional clinics during the period of epidemic of COVID-19 establishing the clinical practice guideline of traditional primary care to keep the safety of medical staffs was so to firmly important to the national strategies of epidemic prevention.
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