


Acupuncture Combined with Low-Level Laser Therapy for Sequential Bilateral Sudden Hearing Loss: A Case Report




李宗翰(Zong-Han Li);蔡政勳(Cheng-Hsun Tsai)


突發性耳聾 ; 董氏奇穴 ; 低能量雷射 ; 病毒感染 ; Sudden Hearing Loss ; Tung's Acupuncture ; Low-level Laser Acupuncture ; Virus Infection




24卷4期(2021 / 12 / 30)


117 - 128




「突發性耳聾」在2019年更新版的美國耳鼻喉頭頸外科醫學會臨床治療指引特別強調其診斷與治療的時間的急迫性;在高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院中醫部,我們定調:「診斷與介入治療的突發性耳聾患者分期,以3天至7天為急性期、7天至14天為亞急性、14天至21天甚至更久的時間為慢性。」然而,「雙耳先後發病突發性耳聾sequential bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss, Se-BSSNHL」在近幾年的台灣傳統醫學臨床、與中醫學相關領域較為稀少案例,本篇報告即以傳統穴位針刺,以董氏奇穴的辨證取穴、結合低能量雷射治療在一63歲女性的中老年患者,先後在2015年左側突發聽力低下、重度聽力障礙,後續2020年亦右側聽力障礙發作,因為肝鬱氣滯與勞倦腎虛的內因,與可能的外感風邪的病毒感染的臨床診斷,取得漸進式聽力恢復的療效,特以此分享冀能引人深入探討雙耳先後發病的突發性耳聾疾患型態。


The urgency of diagnosis and managements on Sudden Hearing Loss, SHL may repetitively underlined in Clinical Practice Guideline: Sudden Hearing Loss (Update) Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019. In this department of Chinese Medicine, the Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, we rule the terms of prescription and interventions by acute phase of 3 to 7 days of symptom onset, subacute of 7 to 14 days, and chronic phase of 14 to 21 days and more. However, sequential bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss, Se- BSSNHL is such a rare diagnosis that even a little published in Taiwan traditional medicine, and conventional clinic society. This report is an alternative medicine experience of combining Tung's acupuncture with Low-level Laser acupuncture to treat a 63-year-old woman individual of Se-BSSNHL, first was the left ear of sudden onset hearing severe handicap on year of 2015, then the right ear hearing loss on 2020. The present publication of hearing loss recovery was based on internal episode of Liver qi stagnation and fatigue from Kidney deficiency, also the eternal issue of presumptive virus infection. For the report, we wish to strike chords from Taiwan traditional medicine society and promote more discussion upon Se-BSSNHL.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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