


Discussion about the Feasibility of Moxibustion in Health Care for Elderly Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia




趙品諭(Pin-Yu Jau);張珮琳(Pei-Lin Chang);吳建隆(Chien-Lung Wu)


前列腺增生 ; 灸 ; 老年 ; 保健 ; 後設分析 ; Moxibustion ; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ; Health Care ; Elderly ; Meta-Analysis




24卷4期(2021 / 12 / 30)


53 - 67




目的:隨著社會高齡化,面對老年男性前列腺增生帶來生活問題,是否灸療可以做為保健,藉由後設分析了解灸療在前列腺增生之症狀改善與評估可行性。方法:以先前其它後設分析文獻為基礎,又在資料庫Qinsight、PubMed、華藝線上圖書館和萬方知識服務平台,以符合與排除條件,搜尋2000至2020年,選取灸療相對一般口服藥物治療之隨機對照臨床研究,以治療之症狀分數及排尿狀況作分析。結果:本文最後有13篇文獻納入,發現國際前列腺症狀評分之標準化平均數差異(SMD),在治療一個月(SMD-0.7, 95%CI = -1.1 to -0.3, p < 0.001)及三個月後(SMD-0.3, 95%CI = -0.5 to -0.1, p = 0.014),灸療有相對正向的效果;尿流速及尿餘量一個月內也有改善的效果。結論:灸療對前列腺增生有正向助益,可考慮作為保健及預防方法。


Background: Since Taiwan had become aged society, more and more elderly men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) face the issue of lower urine tract symptom and declined life quality. This study was designed to figure out if moxibustion could be used in health care. With the meta-analysis, we could understand the effectiveness of moxibustion about BPH and assess the feasibility. Method: Based on the previous meta-analysis, we search Qinsight, PubMed, Airiti Library, and WANFANG DATA from 2000 to 2020, include randomized controlled trials comparing moxibustion with current oral medication. The symptom score or physiological values of urine system would be extracted into the pooled analysis. Results: 13 studies were included. The results show that the standardized mean difference (SMD) of the international prostatic symptom score (IPSS) is -0.7 (95%CI = -1.1 to -0.3, p <0.001) in one month and -0.3 (95%CI = -0.5 to -0.1, p = 0.014) in three months. The outcome presents a positive effect in IPSS; urine flow rate and residual urine also improved in one month. Conclusion: Moxibustion has a positive effect on BPH and could be considered in health care.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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