


Analysis of the Regularity of Traditional Chinese Medicines Used in the Clinical Treatment of Women's Emotional Diseases-Taking Fu Qingzhu's Gynecology as an Example




張淳淇(Chun-Chi Chang);林曉蔓(Hsiao-Mann Lin);林立偉(Li-Wei Lin);吳龍源(Lung-Yuan Wu)


傅青主女科 ; 情志病 ; 用藥規律 ; 關聯分析 ; 網絡分析 ; Fu Qingzhu's Gynecology ; Women's Emotional Diseases ; Traditional Chinese Medicines ; compatibility rules ; correlation analysis




25卷2期(2022 / 06 / 30)


17 - 33






Objective: To analyze the prescriptions used to treat women's emotional diseases in Fu Qingzhu's Gynecology (abbrev. FQG), and to clarify medication characteristics, compatibility rules and correlations of TCMs used in these diseases. Methods: All prescription medications for women's emotional diseases were used for statistical analysis, including the frequency, function and classification of them by Microsoft Excel. Apriori algorithm was used for medication association analysis to find high-frequency drug combinations, and Gephi software was used for network analysis to find core medications and new modules. Results: The top nine high-frequency TCMs included Angelica, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Baizhu, Licorice, Bupleurum, Moutan Bark, Rehmanniae Radix, Ginseng and Black Mustard. According to the function, the most frequently used TCMs were tonic, blood-regulating and heat-clearing drugs. On the basis of classification, we found that the first three medicinal properties were warm, slightly cold, and mild; The first three medicinal flavors were pungent, bitter, and sweet; Highly used meridians were spleen and liver meridians. Eight groups of highly-relevant drug combinations appeared in association analysis. In network analysis, we found eight core drugs and two modules. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that the treatment in FQG relied mainly on invigoration while elimination subsidiary. And eight core drugs with the meaning of Xiao-Yao-Shan can be used to disperse liver qi, relieve depression, strengthen the spleen and nourish blood. Two new modules can be used for spleen dysfunction in blood governance caused by liver fire and obvious blood deficiency respectively. We hope this article could be helpful for clinical syndrome differentiation and TCM therapy in women's emotional diseases.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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