


Revising and Clarifying Clinical Relationship of "Menstrual Blood Flows Back into the Uterus", "Dry Blood Stasis in abdomen", "Formation of A Hard Mass in the Viscera" in the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber




張永明(Yung-Ming Chang);呂平安(Ping-An Lu);陳季襄(Chi-Hsiang Chen);黃軒(Hsuan Huang);李伊婷(I-Ting Lee);林淑鑾(Shu-Luan Lin)


陷經 ; 乾血 ; 臟堅癖 ; 下白物 ; 礬石丸 ; "Retrograde menstruation"(陷經) ; "Dry blood stasis"(乾血) ; "Formation of a hard mass in viscera"(臟堅癖) ; "Leukorrhea"(下白物) ; "Pills of Alumen"(礬石丸)




25卷2期(2022 / 06 / 30)


51 - 67






Background: The contents of "Menstrual blood flows back into the uterus", "Dry blood stasis in abdomen", "Formation of a hard mass in viscera" in chapter XXII, Miscellaneous Gynecological Diseases of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber are considerably confusing thus made clinical interpretations and practicing difficult and inconsistent. Purpose: To identify the original meaning of the terms and missing words and recompose the misplaced paragraphs. Methods: Analyzing articles by grammatology and comparing syntax and grammar between similar sentences. Result: 1. The original meaning of "Menstrual blood flows back into the uterus" (陷經) is retrograde menstruation instead of menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, meridian sinking, or channel qi sinking. 2. The location of "Dry blood stasis in abdomen" is in abdomen rather than below the umbilicus. The paragraph is revised as "Dry blood stasis in the abdomen". 3. Revised the paragraph as "Women experiences menolipsis, scanty menstruation, and the formation of a hard mass in the uterus, ovary and abdominal cavity which remains there for a long time. Dry blood stasis is also presented in the abdomen. Leukorrhea is also presented. Pills of Alumen can be adopted to cure these syndrome." Conclusion: 1. Identify the clinical presentation orders and pathological relations of "Retrograde menstruation", "Dry blood stasis in abdomen" and "Formation of a hard mass in viscera" to interpret Endometriosis which causes chocolate cysts, adenomyosis and pelvic inflammatory disease by retrograde menstruation. 2. Re-discuss the thinking process of related formulas used to treat endometriosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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