
A Comparative Study of the Leisure Function of Eating out at the Night Markets and Hotel Restaurants






掌慶琳(Janet Chang)


外食 ; 休閒功能 ; 夜市 ; 旅館餐飲 ; Eating out ; leisure function ; night market ; hotel dining




7卷1期(2002 / 06 / 01)


19 - 31




外食是日常生活的一種現象,它所隱涵的休閒功能是多重的。在國內一般消費者不僅喜歡夜市小吃,對於觀光旅館餐飲亦是興趣濃厚;然而,既有文獻針對此領域的探討卻是付諸闕如。為了拓展外食(eating uot)的知識領域,本研究嘗試瞭解並探索夜市小吃與旅館餐飲分別呈現的休閒功能為何。研究對象為以台北地區同時有前往夜市小吃及飯店用餐的消費者為主,進行現場問卷調查,發現夜市小吃的休閒功能主要以滿足歸屬感與愛為主;旅館餐飲的休閒功能則以滿足自尊為首。後續研究建議與管理經營面並有加以討論。


Eating out is a common phenomenon in our lives.The leisure function ofeating out is multifarious. In Taiwan, local people welcome both street vendors and hotel restaurants; however, little research has touched and compared the leisure functions of eating out at night markets and hotel restaurants. Consequently, this paper attempts to explore the leisure functions, which they reflect respectively. Convenience sampling method is used and the valid response rate for paired questionnaire is 69%. Data analysis is done using the factor analysis method and the frequencies method. The research findings are as follow: 1.The leisure function of eating out at the night markets is focused on “belonging and love”. 2.For hotel dining, the leisure function is mainly “self-esteem”.Discussion, implication, and recommendations are also provided for future academic research and practitioners' application.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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