


Work Overload, Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Job Burnout: the Moderating Effect of Culture




毛筱艷(Hsiao-Yen Mao);梁應平(Ying-Ping Liang)


文化 ; 工作負荷過重 ; 角色衝突 ; 角色模糊 ; 工作倦怠 ; 外籍勞工 ; culture ; work overload ; role conflict ; role ambiguity ; job burnout ; foreign worker




8卷1期(2003 / 04 / 01)


55 - 78




經由回顧工作倦怠的前人文獻後發現,在現有工作倦怠理論中,目前尚未證實文化對於員工工作負荷過重、角色衝突、角色模糊與工作倦怠之間的關係。因此,本研究的目的為:探討員工工作負荷過重、角色衝突、角色模糊與工作倦怠之間的關係,是否會因員工所屬國籍的不同而有所差異。本研究的自變數為員工工作負荷過重、角色衝突、角色模糊,因變數為工作倦怠,干擾變數為員工所屬國籍。而本研究的研究樣本則是從製造業的員工進行抽樣。 在經過迴歸分析後發現:員工所屬國籍會對工作負荷過重與工作倦怠的專業效能構面造成干擾,但工作負荷過重與專業效能卻呈現正向關係,且菲律賓員工較泰國員工為強。此外,雖然員工所屬國籍會對角色模糊與工作倦怠的枯竭構面造成干擾,但角色模糊與枯竭的正向關係,菲律賓員工較泰國員工為強。根據研究結果,本研究亦對管理實務及後續研究提出建議。


After reviewing previous studies on job burnout, we have not confirmed the moderating effect of culture on work overload、role conflict、role ambiguity and job burnout. Therefore, we use the worker's nationality as a moderator to explore whether it would moderate the relationship among work overload、role conflict、role ambiguity and job burnout. In the present study, we use the work overload、role conflict and role ambiguity as independent variables, the job burnout as a dependent variable, and the worker's nationality as a moderator. Furthermore, we use the manufacturing industry employees as our sample. Using the regression analysis, we found that the relationship between work overload and professional efficacy of job burnout was moderated by the worker's nationality. However, the worker's work overload was positive with professional efficacy, and Philippine worker was greater than Thailand worker. Furthermore, the relationship between role ambiguity and exhaustion of job burnout was moderated by the worker's nationality. However, the worker's role ambiguity was positive with exhaustion, and Philippine worker was greater than Thailand worker. Further research and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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