


A Study of Governance Approach to Improving City Competitiveness




劉宜君(I-Chun Liu)


全球化 ; 知識城市 ; 學習型城市 ; 資訊科技 ; 知識管理 ; Globalization ; Knowledge City ; Learning City ; Information Technology ; Knowledge Management




4期(2004 / 05 / 01)


47 - 80




隨著全球自由經濟貿易體系的形成與發展,國際各城市面臨各種經濟資源的競爭與合作,許多城市居於全球競爭的主導地位,而國家能否在企業的全球秩序下獲得生存與維持優勢,也繫於其主要城市的發展與競爭力。過去城市與鄉村的主要差別之一在於資訊的流通與更新的速度與深度,甚至可以說資訊是城市的原始動力之一,而城市本身是資訊化過程中的重要條件之一。有關城市發展與競爭力的討論,這幾年隨著資訊城市、數位城市或虛擬城鎮概念的提出與實務的討論,許多城市政府認知到資訊科技是經濟復甦與持續成長的關鍵因素之一。例如紐約既是世界城市,在生產的功能上達到全球的層次;它同時也是個資訊城市,具有充分能力來集中和控制全球所倚賴的資訊流通網路。又如荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹的數位城市,是歐洲最大的城市網路,是一個存在於網際空間中、同時也能與實際城市生活密切相連的著名實例。 因此,本文旨在從資訊科技與知識管理結合的角度,分析城市政府在擁有生產、投資、基礎設施建設等主導權下,面對全球化經濟與城市競爭的情況下,如何將資訊科技與知識結合運用在城市發展上,以提高城市的在地特色與競爭力。


Urban regions are becoming more exposed to global forces, as the nation state becomes more open to capital and trade flows. Cities indeed face more stiffening competitiveness among urban regions and cooperation of various actors. In other words, cities now have more scope to develop their own strategies of competitiveness and access world markets, global labor and capital. Especially, cities play more important and leading roles in global competitive system. Cities become the main constituents of the national economy, which can influence whether the state can maintain its competitiveness and predominance in the whole world. Recently, the concepts of information city, technopolis, learning city and digital city have described how information technology and knowledge influence the development and communication of the city in order to upgrade quality of life and cultural level of the citizen. By recognizing that the trend of informatization, globalization and the knowledge economy can revive economy of cities and improve their competitiveness, in the paper, I try to describe the governance approach to improving city competitiveness. I use the integrated perspective of globalization, future study and information technology to analyze the role and function of technology in development of cities. Then, I will provide some practices of metropolitan development. Finally, I will present policy suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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