


The Ranking Level and Gender Difference in Pre-competitive State Anxiety for Judo Athletes




鄭吉祥(Chi-Shiang Cheng);蕭今傑(Jin-Je Shou);/陳秀花(Show-Hwa Chen)


不同水準 ; 不同性別 ; 賽前狀態性焦慮 ; ranking level ; gender difference ; pre-competitive state anxiety ; performance




2輯(2004 / 06 / 01)


55 - 62




本研究的主要目的是探討不同水準與性別之柔道選手的賽前狀態焦慮之差異。本研究對象為參加中華民國大專院校九十學年度柔道錦標賽之中國文化大學甲乙組柔道運動員共34名(身高167.9 ±8.48公斤,體重66.0±15.20公斤,平均年齡20.6±1.85歲),男生21名,女生13名,其中甲組為黑帶等級,乙組為級數等級。本研究以「賽前狀態性焦慮量表」為研究工具,於比賽前30分鐘給予受試者填寫,所有受試者比賽表現以數位攝影機拍攝,並由三位柔道資深教練以等級來評分受試者表現。所收集之資料以迴歸預測和t考驗檢定本研究問題,顯著水準皆定為α=.05。本研究結論為:一、所有受試者的認知焦慮與自信心會隨運動成績表現變化而改變;而身體焦慮則與成績表現成倒U字型相關。二、甲乙兩組運動員在認知焦慮和身體焦慮上達顯著性差異,在自信心方面則無顯著性差異。三、男女性運動員在認知焦慮、身體焦慮和自信心上並無顯著性差異。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the ranking level and gender difference of pre-competitive state anxiety for the Judo athletes. Subjects were 34 judo athletes (height: 67.9 ± 8.48 cm; weight: 66.0 ± 15.20kg; age: 20.6 ± 1.85 years; 21 males, 13 females) with two levels in ranking, level A (black belt) and level B (non black belt). All subjects were selected from Chinese Culture University who participated in 2001 National University Judo Competition. The questionnaire of 「pre-competitive state anxiety」was utilized as the survey tool of this study. All subjects filled the questionnaire before competition. Subjects' performances in the competition were filmed by digital camera and graded by three experiences judo coaches. The collected date was analyzed by regression prediction and t test, the significant level for all tests was set at α=.05. The conclusion of this study is as follows:1.For all subjects, the cognitive anxiety and self-confidence is affected by athletic performance and the body anxiety was significantly related to athletic performance presented by inverted U.2.Level A and Level B subjects show significant difference in cognitive anxiety and body anxiety, but no difference in self-confidence.3.There is no sex difference in cognitive anxiety, body anxiety and self-confidence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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