


George K.C. Yeh's Literati's Friendship and Calligraphy-painting Creation


連啟元(Chi-Yuan Lien)


葉公超 ; 中華文化 ; 臺灣美術 ; 書畫 ; 新月派 ; George K.C. Yeh ; Chinese culture ; Taiwanese art ; calligraphy ; painting




98期(2016 / 04 / 01)


25 - 43






George K.C. Yeh was a renowned scholar as well as diplomat, and was also a representative of "New Moon School" of early republic. He has taken some important positions such as minister of foreign affairs, ambassador to Washington, Senior Advisors to the Office of the President of the Republic of China. Except such an extraordinary diplomatic achievement, he also has a specific position in terms of artistic creation. His liberal activity is divided into two periods : the first period is teaching at universities after 1926, and the second, the retirement life after 1961. Yeh had taken traditional poetry and calligraphy-painting education. He was interested in painting orchid and bamboo and his calligraphic style is CHU Suiliang. However, he dedicated to English poetry and literature theories when she studied abroad. After returning his country, he was even eager in literature criticism. He had edited magazines of "New Moon" and "Learning Literature", promoting literature creation and criticism theory. After at the middle-age, being relieved of this office, he dedicated to the creation of calligraphy and painting. He held solo exhibitions and attended joint art exhibitions. By way of creation of calligraphy and painting, he expressed the wilderness and sadness in his mind. The cultivation of art to live is a quintessential approach to understand his life and spirit. Like masters Zhang Daqian and Long Chin-san, he is one of the models of Chinese literati life style in Taiwan. The development of culture and the manipulation of cultural capital reveal a multi-layered connotation of "Chinese art in Taiwan", which is also an indispensible part of Taiwan cultural heritage.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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