This study begins from the perspective of arts-infused curriculum and the concept of integrating the 'poetry within poetry' method with the artistic expression of collective creation. Students enrolled in the course were required to collectively complete poems within poems before grafting the creative inspiration of the completed work using subject-based curriculum, regarding it as an element of inspired creativity, and merging it into a design method course. The analysis of course achievement in this study focused on two of the teaching stages, the psychological activity and the presentation activity. From the various trends and styles of the numerous pieces, this paper generalized six features of creativity: contextually reflective creative challenge, excellent and appropriate creative modification, emotion-transferring creation, unrestrained design extending from the text, poetic design, and fun and light design. In conclusion, the incorporation of poetry within poetry for the development of a course for the development of inspiration and creativity succeeded in arousing student interest in creative works and stimulating creative associations. This study also found that the poetry within poetry composition stage was beneficial to inspirational brainstorming as well as the cultivation of associative creation, the composition of visual poetry helped participants to remove mental blocks by moving from text symbols through visual concepts to extend the range of solutions for design problems. Due to the limitations imposed by textual and poetic characteristics, this study proposed that this method has the advantage of generating products with poetic /light designs. According to the results and observations during this study, we present the following three suggestions to assist in future applications of this approach to the planning of curriculum: a). Gameplay provides inspiration. B) Poetry assists in the cultivation of aesthetic skills. c) Collectivity and sharing stimulates creative energy.
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