


A Study on Developing Value-added Knowledge Model of Digital Archives by Applying Knowledge Management - An Example of 2D Animation Development of Sugar Refining Industry Culture


廖敦如(Tun-Ju, Liao)


知識管理 ; 創意加值 ; 數位加值 ; 數位典藏 ; 糖業文化 ; knowledge management ; creativity value adding ; digital value adding ; digital archives ; sugar refining industry culture




100期(2017 / 04 / 01)


59 - 87




知識管理(Knowledge Management)」是一種文化的傳承,它整合人類過去的經驗,強調「再利用」(Reuse)的觀念,因此在數位典藏的運用上,則可利用虛擬文件(Virtual Document)的概念來應用;據此,研究者運用「糖業文化」數位資料庫,以「知識管理」的角度探究數位典藏創意加值的開發模式,其研究目的為:一、從「知識管理」的理論剖析創意加值之發展策略;二、建構「知識加值」的創作步驟與模式:三、探討「知識加值」之動畫製作的學習成效。本研究以個案研究方式進行,並結合量化問卷與質性訪談,其結果如下:一、運用「知識管理」的理論發展數位典藏的創意加值有五大策略;二、應用「知識管理」的理念可建構「知識價值鏈(KVC)」的發展模式;三、「知識加值」可衍生「內容層面」、「操作層面」及「認知層面」的學習成效。


Knowledge management is a technology that passes on cultures, integrates previous experiences of human beings, focuses on the idea of reuse and stresses effective retrieval, use and development of knowledge. Consequently, digital archives can be extended and applied by virtual documents. Furthermore, development of digital contents has lasted for several decades in Taiwan leading to accumulation of diverse and rich resources of digital contents. How to apply such resources in a value adding way to correspond to the ideas of knowledge reconstruction and knowledge-based economy is the key issue to be explored in this research. Accordingly, the researcher shall make use of the established sugar culture archive with more than four thousand entries and investigate the development model for value-added creativity of digital archives from the perspective of knowledge management. The purposes of the research are as follows: 1. to analyze the strategies for developing value-added creativity of digital archives through the theoretical dimension of knowledge management; 2. to set up the creation steps and the model for 2D animation that corresponds to value-added knowledge; 3. to examine the learning performance of 2D animation production that corresponds to value-added knowledge. This research will be conducted for one year. Perceptual figures and touching scripts will be emphasized and 2D animation techniques will be incorporated to interpret the historical developments of the sugar refining industry. The case study method was applied and a quantitative questionnaire survey and qualitative interviews were made for examination and analysis of the production process and the products of animation. The results of the research are as follows: 1. there are five major strategies [KM = (P + K)s ] for developing value-added creativity of digital archives by applying the theory of knowledge management; 2. creation of 2D animation can be divided to four main phases and the knowledge value chain (KVC) model can be developed via applying the ideas of knowledge management; 3. learning achievements of contents, operation and cognition can be accomplished through producing value-added knowledge 2D animation.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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