


Visual Exegesis in The Biblia Pauperum as Seen From The Public Ministries of Jesus in The St Florian Manuscript


羊文漪(Wen-I Yang)


視覺解經 ; 聖弗里安《貧窮人聖經》 ; 耶穌生平事蹟 ; 預表論神學 ; 中世紀手抄繪本 ; Visual exegesis ; Biblia Pauperum of St. Florian ; typology ; medieval manuscript ; Jesus public ministries




103期(2018 / 12 / 01)


61 - 90




基督教視覺藝術,向以再現天主聖言與基督救世福音為首要課題。西元2、3世紀萌芽初,有一組《舊約》敘事圖像,表意模組獨樹一格,傳遞本身的意涵外,同時指向不在場,關涉載於《新約》,基督受難犧牲的救世福音。此一反映雙重指涉性的《舊約》圖像群組,非關文本再現,具有操作視覺圖像,從事解經的質性與功能,今亦稱為視覺解經圖像(visual exegesis)。惟後沉寂千年,至中世紀盛期方大放異彩。本文以1310年至1320年間編草成書,今藏奧地利聖弗里安修道院圖書館(Stiftsbibliothek,St. Florian,cod. III 207)的《貧窮人聖經》(Biblia pauperum)手抄卷帙當中,5則有關耶穌領洗宣教生平事蹟為題,包括:〈耶穌領洗圖〉、〈曠野試探〉、〈主顯聖容圖〉、〈西門家的宴會〉、以及〈拉撒路的復活〉等,從事有關其視覺解經表述棋手且上的考察。全論文透過每則敘事單元上,1幅《新約》耶穌生平圖像、2幅《舊約》圖像、4幅《舊約》先知半身像、跟3類別,共計7圖9文本的完整關照、剖析以及闡述,打開其如何共構,宣講耶穌基督救世福音神學。


At the very beginning of Christian art, narrative depiction of the Old Testament emerged as one of its modes of production. More often than not its visual representations offer not only the literal meaning of the OT, but also the typological connotation directing to the redemption of Christ. However, it was not until the High Middle Ages, the 12th and 13th century, that the power of visual depiction of the OT became fully recognized and widely used in Western artworks of various medias, such as in the enamel production of the altarpiece at the Monastery of Klosterneuburg, Vienna, known as the Verdun Altar, in the stained glass windows of the Cathedrals of the Canterbury, Bourges and Chartres, and in illustrated manuscripts of the Bible Moralisée, Bublia Pauperum, and Speculum Humanae Salvationis. This paper focuses on the Biblia pauperum, one of the major typological picture books of the Middle Ages, its mode of signification, its editorial and compositional schemes, and the mechanism of its enunciation system, operated by means of an interactive relationship between multiple texts comprising both visual and literary elements. Although descriptive, exegetic, or commentary texts are all present, the Biblia Pauperum is primarily grounded in the visual images that initiate the exegetic process of circulating and exchanging information. Five narrative units featuring Jesus's public ministries prior to his entry into Jerusalem as recorded in the St Florian manuscript (Stiftsbibliothek, St. Florian), will be closely examined and analyzed in order to uncover the inner structure and roadmap of its enunciation system.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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