


Media Marketing Strategy of a Museum's Special Exhibition-Taking the National Palace Museum "Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow" as an Example


溫家瑋(Chia-Wei Wen)


普希金特展 ; 媒體行銷 ; 博物館行銷策略 ; 4V行銷理論 ; pushkin exhibition ; media marketing ; museum marketing strategy ; 4V marketing theory




106期(2020 / 06 / 01)


131 - 150






Special exhibition are an important part of the exhibition activities of museums. In order to understand the marketing strategies and effects of media in the special international exhibitions conducted by museums, in this paper, literature analysis method and interview method were used to study the case of the "Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow" in the National Palace Museum. By analysis, the media publicity includes television news and advertisements, newspapers, magazines and entity propaganda of print media, and online platforms such as official websites and Facebook fan pages. The study results show that: (1) In the recent special international exhibitions conducted in Taiwan, restrained to museums' funds and marketing channels, the planning mode is gradually changing from being dominated by museums and supplemented by media groups to being jointly planned by both, and media groups invest money and plan marketing strategies. (2) Since 1990, the rapid rise of high-technology industries and popularization of network and mart phones have made the communications between seller (organizers) and consumers (audience) more transparent and convenient. Information transparency has made the audience's demands for consumption more personal to meet their own needs. As a result, organizers have been required to propose more diversified marketing plans to attract audience. This status is fairly consistent with the marketing theory of 4Vs (variation, versatility, value and vibration), so this theory was used for analysis in this study. Finally, this study suggests that: (1) The customers in order to maintain the traditional reading pattern, should retain a percentage. (2) Publicity network platform designed to target different ethnic groups more diverse propaganda, such as the opening of a IG can attract young people high interactivity and focus on the heal. (3) Exhibition raise to show before the audience survey, can be more accurate to formulate perfect marketing strategy.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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