


A Study on User Experience of Line's Ugly E-Stickers and Their Creators' Creative Motivation


陳麗秋(Li-Chiou Chen);陳彥如(Yan-Ru Chen)


LINE ; 醜貼圖 ; 使用者經驗 ; 科技接受模式(TAM) ; 創作動機 ; line ; ugly e-stickers ; user experience ; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) ; creative motivation




107期(2020 / 12 / 01)


51 - 74






LINE's ugly e-sticker is different from the commonly pleasing impression of e-stickers and even reaches the point of being considered "ugly" in traditional visual perception. It has also overturned the idea of "needing a skill set to submit e-stickers." To understand this particular phenomenon, this study explored user experience and conducted a questionnaire survey based on the Technology Acceptance Model to collect the data from ugly e-stickers' users. Referencing the data to design interview questionnaires and then interview the creators who create the ugly e-stickers, in order to understand their creative motives, summarizing the relationship between the two to form research findings. The study found that the users of ugly e-sticker are mostly young and online groups, those users are affected by "social norms"; the texts of ugly e-sticker are functional and interesting, novelty which have enhanced their use behavior; The motivation of early ugly e-sticker creations was mostly unintentional, inspired by life experiences and the popularity of the online community.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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