


Appraisal of Shen Zhou's "Dongzhuang Atlas"


雷皓天(Hao-Tien Lei)


沈周 ; 《東莊圖》 ; 園林繪畫 ; 吳寬 ; dongzhuang atlas ; garden paintings ; shen zhou ; wu kuan




108期(2021 / 06 / 01)


211 - 240






The purpose of this article is to explore the authenticity of Shen Zhou's "Dongzhuang Atlas " collected by Nanjing Museum. Previous scholars were less devoted to the analysis of style due to the poor quality of the drawing board. Fortunately, high-definition color pictures have been published. Now researchers can compare the similarities and differences between this work and Shen Zhou's standard works in detail. This article uses historical data investigation, inscription and postscript seal analysis, painting style, and spatial composition comparison as the main basis for identification. And try to explore the possible painting styles of future generations, and further trace the position of this set of works in the context of painting history. After the research and analysis of this article, it is believed that the upper limit of the set of albums can only be set between the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Considering the work's appreciation and collection records, as well as its performance characteristics in style presentation, this set of works may be regarded as a creative expression of garden painting themes in Jiangsu and Songjiang under the Suzhou style system.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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