


The Effects of Qigoing on Relaxation and Emotion




豐東洋(Don-Yang Fong);洪聰敏(Tsung-Min Hung);黃英哲(Ying-Che Huang)


腦波 ; 氣功 ; 情緒 ; 放鬆 ; EEG Qigoing ; relaxation ; emotion




5期(2004 / 11 / 01)


19 - 42




The purposes of current study are to examine the effects of Qigong on relation and emotion. This study used Electroencephalographic (EEG) technique to detect the variation of brain activity under Qigoing state to clarify the questions. Fifteen Qigoing practitioners and fifteen novices were recruited in this study. Recording EEG data follow the ABAB (Qigoing1, relaxation1, Qigoing2, relaxation2) experimental stages. Compare the θ, α, and β power between the two groups. Simultaneously examine the brain asymmetry on α power to understand the regulation of Qigoing on emotion. Results revealed: 1. the EEG theta band had main effect on group(F(1, 29)=5.01, p<.05), stage(F(1, 29)=6.72, p<.05) and electrode (F(12, 29)=23.0, p<.05) between Qigoing and control groups; 2. the EEG alpha band had main effect on group (F(12, 29)=l2.09, p<.05) and electrode (F(1, 12)=50.l4, p<.05) between both groups and group and electrode had interaction (F(1, 12)=3.44, p<.05); 3. the EEG beta1 band had main effect on electrode (F(12, 29)=21.19, p<.05) between both groups and group and electrode had interaction (F(1, 29)=2.57, p<.05); 4. the EEG beta2 band had main effect on electrode (F(12, 29)=4.35, p<.05) between both groups and group and electrode had interaction (F(1, 29)=5.85, p<.05); 5. EEG asymmetry data had main effect on electrode (F(1, 29)=9.14, p<.05) between both groups. This results demonstrated the relax performance of Qigoing group was better than control group and frontal lobe could reflex the difference of EEG and Qigoing practice had positive regulative effect on emotion.


The purposes of current study are to examine the effects of Qigong on relation and emotion. This study used Electroencephalographic (EEG) technique to detect the variation of brain activity under Qigoing state to clarify the questions. Fifteen Qigoing practitioners and fifteen novices were recruited in this study. Recording EEG data follow the ABAB (Qigoing1, relaxation1, Qigoing2, relaxation2) experimental stages. Compare the θ, α, and β power between the two groups. Simultaneously examine the brain asymmetry on α power to understand the regulation of Qigoing on emotion. Results revealed: 1. the EEG theta band had main effect on group(F(1, 29)=5.01, p<.05), stage(F(1, 29)=6.72, p<.05) and electrode (F(12, 29)=23.0, p<.05) between Qigoing and control groups; 2. the EEG alpha band had main effect on group (F(12, 29)=l2.09, p<.05) and electrode (F(1, 12)=50.l4, p<.05) between both groups and group and electrode had interaction (F(1, 12)=3.44, p<.05); 3. the EEG beta1 band had main effect on electrode (F(12, 29)=21.19, p<.05) between both groups and group and electrode had interaction (F(1, 29)=2.57, p<.05); 4. the EEG beta2 band had main effect on electrode (F(12, 29)=4.35, p<.05) between both groups and group and electrode had interaction (F(1, 29)=5.85, p<.05); 5. EEG asymmetry data had main effect on electrode (F(1, 29)=9.14, p<.05) between both groups. This results demonstrated the relax performance of Qigoing group was better than control group and frontal lobe could reflex the difference of EEG and Qigoing practice had positive regulative effect on emotion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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