


Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment For Secondary Dysmenorrhea Caused By Pelvic Inflammatory Disease : A case report




陳姵婷(Chen Pei-Ting);廖麗蘭(Liao Li-Lan)


繼發性痛經 ; 經行腹痛 ; 骨盆腔發炎 ; 子宮肌腺症 ; 子宮平滑肌瘤 ; 中醫藥治療 ; Dysmenorrhea ; Pelvic inflammatory disease ; Uterine myoma ; Adenomyosis ; Traditional chinese medicine




25期(2020 / 06 / 01)


53 - 77






This case is a 46-year-old female came to Dr. Liao's OPD for Chinese medicine treatment on December 6, 2019. Suffered from pelvic inflammatory disease caused by spontaneous abortion in 2016, she has experienced dysmenorrhea from two days before menstrual period to the end of menstruation since then. The symptoms of dysmenorrhea last until the end of the ovulation period in September, 2019. By analyzing the problems of this patient, Spleen, Liver zang fu and the circulation of Qi-blood are taken into account. Qi Zhi(Qi stagnation), Xue Yu(blood stasis), dampness-heat are adjusted and the environment of uterus is improved. After two months of traditional Chinese medicine remedy the patient felt pain improved (VAS: 9-10 reduced to VAS: 2) and other associated symptoms such as headache, nausea are also improved. We demonstrated the experience in this case report for clinical reference and application.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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