


The most common herbs used in Si-Wu-Tang with Blood deficiency, Blood stasis, Qi deficiency and Qi stagnation patterns analyzed by TCMISS




許雅鈐(Ya-Chien Hsu);賴宇彥(Yu-Yan Lai);吳君萱(Chun-Hsuan Wu);趙嶸(Jung Chao);蘇珊玉(Shan-Yu Su)


四物湯 ; 血虛 ; 血瘀 ; 氣虛 ; 氣滯 ; 人參 ; 延胡索 ; 甘草 ; 白朮 ; 香附 ; Si Wu Tang ; blood deficiency ; blood stasis ; qi deficiency ; qi stagnation ; ginseng ; yanhusuo ; gancao ; baizhu ; xiangfu




26期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 13




四物湯是坊間常見的經期調理用藥,由當歸、白芍、熟地、川芎所組成,宋代官方藥典《太平惠民和劑局方》因其滋養氣血的功效,將四物湯列為治療中醫與血虛、血瘀等「血」相關疾病的基礎方劑,經歷代醫家增修,逐漸演變為治療衝任虛損、月經不調及痛經的婦科用藥。本研究目的在於蒐集及分析自唐代到清末為止,四物湯的加減方在不同證型中的常用藥物,並以中醫傳承輔助系統(Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System, TCMISS)分析其加入的藥物與證型之間的相關度,研究結果發現血虛證最常見加減藥物為人參,血瘀證最常見加減藥物為延胡索、甘草,氣虛證最常見加減藥物為人參、白朮,氣滯證最常見加減藥物為香附。


Si Wu Tang, a common formula to get the menstrual cycle in balance, consists of Danggui, Shaoyao, Dihuang and Chuanxiong. Because of the function of nourishing qi and blood, in Song dynasty, the National Pharmacopoeia Taiping Huimin Heji Ju Fang recorded it as a basic formula in treating blood deficiency, blood stasis or other blood-included diseases. Until now, Si Wu Tang becomes a famous formula in treating gynecological diseases. In this study, Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System (TCMISS) was used to analyze herbs that had been added into Si Wu Tang. The most commonly added herbs in Blood deficiency, Blood stasis, Qi deficiency and Qi stagnation patterns were also extracted. The results found that the most commonly used herb in Blood deficiency was ginseng; the most commonly used herbs in Blood stasis were yanhusuo and gancao; the most commonly added herbs in Qi deficiency were ginseng and baizhu; and the most commonly added herb in Qi stagnation was xiangfu.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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