


In Exploration of the Concepts of the Cyberspace and Netizenship and the Educational Implication




洪如玉(Ruyu Hung)


網際空間 ; 電子前線基金會 ; 網際公民 ; 網際公民資質 ; cyberspace ; Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) ; netizen ; netizenship




13期(2003 / 01 / 01)


81 - 105




本文主旨在於探討網際公民資質的意含及其在教育上之蘊義。網際空間起因於二十世紀晚期網際網路之發達新興概念,在此新空間,蘊含著新興「公共領域」以及新公民-網際公民-之可能性,在教育上應有相應的反省與實踐。本文分為五部分,首先是緒論;第二部分釐清網際空間與網際公民的意義,在此我們採取Habermas的公共領域概念與科技烏托邦主義、反科技烏托邦主義為分析架構,說明網際空間的結構與內涵;第三部分以全球第一個網際公民組織「電子前線基金會」(Electronic Frontier Foundation: EFF)為例,說明與網際公民權利之相關爭議。本研究認、為科技烏托邦主義與反科技烏托邦主義從不同角度探討網際公民與相關概念,要建立健全的網際公民必須各取所長。第四部份指出網際空間之根本在於實質空間,建構理想網際公民資質必須奠基於真實生活中理想社群與公民資質,這正是網際公民教育今後必須注意之處。結論部份指出研究限制與未來展望。


This paper aims at explicating the concepts of ”cyberspace” and ”netizenship' and the related educational implication. The Internet has become a part of our life. On the internet emerges the cyberspace which provides us with a new sphere to have work, life and fun. Cyberspace makes possible the virtually public sphere and the new citizenship, namely the 'netizenship.'There are five parts of this essay. The first part is the introduction. The second part takes notions of Habermas' public sphere, the technotopianism and the aniti-technotopianism to formulate an analysis framework of the cyberspace. The third part turns to the case of the Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) to reveal the debates about the netizenship. The definition of the netizen is still on the way. However, the understanding of the cyberspace cannot be separated from that of the physical space. The appropriate development of netizenship must depend on the sound citizen education off the line. Consequently, the forth part proposes some suggestions for the future civic education. The last part concludes with the limitation and the future direction of the research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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