


The Implications of We the People...Project Citizen for Social Studies Education




劉秀嫚(Show-Mann Liou)


公民養成方案 ; 公民技能 ; 公民性 ; 社會學習領域 ; We the People...Project Citizen ; Civic Skills ; Civic Dispositions ; Social Studies Education




14期(2003 / 10 / 01)


55 - 77




社會學習領域是統整自我、人與人,以及人與環境之間互動關係的知識領域。其目的在透過以學生為主體,以生活經驗為重心的課程設計達成培養健全人格、民主素養、法治觀念、人文涵養及思考、判斷與創造能力,並具有國家意識與國際視野之現代國民(教育部,民90)。「我們全體人民…公民養成方案」(We the People…Project Citizen,以下簡稱「公民養成方案」)是美國公民教育中心(Center for Civic Education)發展出來之議題中心課程。該課程不僅具備了民主公民教育的許多重要特質(Liou, 2002a);國外實證研究亦發現該課程對其國家的青少年學生之公民知識、態度與技能皆有正面影響(Liou, 2002a; 2002b; Soule, 2000; Tolo, 1998; Vontz, Metcalf, & Patrick, 2000)。本文之目的有三,其一在剖析「公民養成方案」的理論基礎與特色,以探討該課程達成社會學習領域課程目標與培養學生十大基本能力的潛能;其二,藉由「公民養成方案」在台灣的實驗教學,以了解有無實施「公民養成方案」對青少年學生公民技能與公民性的影響;最後,藉由理論分析與實徵研究結果探討「公民養成方案」在社會學習領域教育上的意義。


Social studies is a learning area that integrates interactions between or among self, others, and the environment. Its purpose is to cultivate informed, effective, and responsible participatory citizens who are able and willing to protect individual rights and to promote the common good of the society.We the People…Project Citizen (abbrev. Project Citizen), developed by the Center for Civic Education, is an issues-centered curriculum for middle school students. Theoretically, Project Citizen possesses several characteristics of effective democratic citizenship education. Empirically, research findings suggest its positive effect on adolescent civic development (Liou, 2002a; 2002b; Soule, 2000; Tolo, 1998; Vontz, Metcalf, & Patrick, 2000).The purposes of this article are threefold: (1) to evaluate the effect of Project Citizen on the civic skills and dispositions of Taiwanese adolescent students; (2) to investigate the relationship between Project Citizen and the goals of social studies education, and the possibility of Project Citizen to reaching these goals; and (3) to offer suggestions for social studies education based on the theoretical analysis and empirical findings of Project Citizen.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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