


The Construction of Leisure Constraint Scale-An Example of College Students in Taipei-




謝智謀(Chih-Mou Hsieh);賴家馨(Chia-Shin Lai)


休閒阻礙 ; 量表編製 ; 探索性因素分析 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; leisure constraints ; scale construction ; exploratory factor analysis ; second-order confirmatory factor analysis




16期(2004 / 06 / 01)


1 - 18




本研究之主要目的如下:編製具有良好信、效度及適合國內大學生使用的休閒阻礙量表,並歸納休閒阻礙的因素類型,再以驗證性因素分析考驗量表的適合度。 以台北市大學生為受試對象,依台北市各個大學之學生人數比例發放1050份問卷,有效回收問卷997份,有效回收率為94.95%。結果發現: 休閒阻礙主要可由九個因素構成,包含「社會網絡(4題)」、「社會角色(3題)」、「設施與環境(6題)」、「休閒資訊(4題)」「個人責任(3題)」、「重要他人影響(3題)」、「勝任感(3題)」、「外在資源(3題)」、「刺激感(3題)」,所能解釋變異量70.804%。由探索性因素分析可以得知本量表具有良好的效度,而各因素Cronbach's α係數介於.7184~.9177之間,總量表之α係數為.8970,顯示本量表具有良好的信度。 經由第二次的探索性因素分析得到「內在阻礙」,包括:社會角色、重要他人影響、勝任感、刺激感等因素,這些由「知覺自由」、「特質論」、「動機論」、「刺激與反應理論」出發的題目,較著重於個人想開始參與休閒的內在阻礙感受;其餘歸為「外在阻礙」,包括:社會網絡、設施與環境、休閒資訊、個人責任、外在資源等因素。各個因素中含括一個或以上的理論概念。 以LISREL8.50處理二階驗證性因素分析,且休閒阻礙模式經多次修正後,呈現良好適合度,代表這個修玫後的模式具有良好的建構效度【x^2=767.37;df=442;x^2/df=1.802;RMSEA=0.038;GFI=0.91;AGFI=0.90;CFI=0.95;NFI=0.90;NNFI=0.95;RMR=0.080;標率化RMR=0.057】。 本研究根據「知覺自由」、「特質論」、「動機論」、「刺激與反應理論」、「需求理論」、「社會支持」、「誘因論」等探討大學生休閒阻礙,結果發現社會角色、重要他人影響、勝任感、刺激感、社會網絡、設施與環境、休閒資訊、個人責任、外在資源等因素影響了大學生參與休閒活動,研究者提出建議以供休閒教育、休閒服務產業及未來研究方向參考。


The purpose of this study was three-fold. First, this study was based on the leisure theory to construct a reliable and valid Leisure Constraint Scale by using the samples of college students in Taipei. Second, to examine the goodness of fit of Leisure Constraint Scale by using second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Through the literature review, Sixty-three leisure constraint items were obtained. Nine hundred ninety-seven college students were examined using sixty-three leisure constraint items. According to the results of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The numbers of items were reduced from sixty-three to thirty-two. These items were divided into nine factors using EFA. These factors were named, respectively: ”social network”, ”social roles”, ”equipments, facilities and leisure environment”, ”leisure information”, ”personal responsibilities”, ”the influence of others”, ”competence”, ”external resources”, ”exciting”. These factors can explain 70.804% of variance of leisure constraint among college students. The internal consistency of Cronbach's α coefficient was ranged from .7184 to .9177, and the Cronbach's α coefficient of total scale was .8970. The Leisure Constraint Scale showed appropriate validity and reliability among college students in Taipei. This study used LISREL 8.50 to deal with the second-order confirmatory factor analysis, to check the goodness of fit of Leisure Constraint Scale. The results of CFA indicated that modified model fitted the data. 【x^2=767.37; df=442; x^2/df=1.802; RMSEA=0.038; GFI=0.91; AGFI=0.90; CFI=0.95; NFI=0.90; NNFI=0.95; RMR=0.080; standardized RMR=0.057】 According to the results of this study, the researcher would like to discuss and advise for the future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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