The purpose of this study was to research and design lesson plans for adventure education, which will serve as a curriculum for instructors who are responsible for the integrated activities field in middle school level. It was felt that such a program, if included in the integrated activities field, would constitute a valuable contribution to the intellectual, psychological, physiological, and social development of the students.
The lesson plans of adventure education was divided into six levels, which were 1) games, 2) group initiatives not on the ropes course, 3) trust activities, 4) group initiatives on the ropes course, 5) low ropes course, and 6) high ropes course. In addition, these six levels were divided into section1 and section2. Section 1 included levels 1, 2, and 3. Section2 included levels 4, 5, and 6. A necessary distinction was made between section 1 and section 2 due to the demand of instructor expertise in adventure education and the need for appropriate facilities in section2.
In conclusion, research has been conducted regarding the physical, social, emotional, and psychological benefits of adventure education. Adventure education also has been included in activities programs in many schools. However, comprehensive and appropriate lesson plans of adventure education continue to be absent from many middle school curricula. Perhaps, the only way to change this tendency is to study the curriculum design of adventure education and to cooperate with the instructors in middle schools for the fulfillment of the lessons plans.
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