


The Research of College Education Goals and Guiding Principles on ProfessionalDevelopment of Student Affairs-Based on the Point of Views of Academic and Student Affairs Administrators




楊昌裕(Chang-Yu Yang);劉若蘭(Ruo-Lan Liu);黃玉(Yu Huang)


大學教育目標 ; 父母替代 ; 學生服務 ; 學生事務 ; 學生發展 ; 學生學習 ; college educational goal ; loco parenti ; student affairs ; student development ; student learning ; student service




20期(2009 / 09 / 01)


63 - 95






The purpose of this study was to explore and compare viewpoints on university educational goals and student affairs professional development guidance principles as expressed by administrators of student affairs, academic affairs, pedagogical affairs and tutors of various types of universities. A questionnaire interview was conducted through stratified random sampling of 79 colleges and universities. A total of 1,565 valid questionnaires were received. Findings in this study include:1. Taiwan's student affairs development has gone through three stages: authoritarian management, transition and professional growth. Management methods were adopted to gradually put more emphasis on overall administrative efficiency2. University personnel (including supervisors of student affairs, academic affairs, pedagogical affairs and tutors) place a degree of emphasis on university study goals in the following order: ”academic specialties and capabilities,” ”individual development” and ”citizen's qualities”.3. Administrators of different university types emphasize different goals in university education and students affairs guiding principles.(1) Ordinary private universities place the highest degree of emphasis on university education and students affairs guidance principles.(2) Ordinary public universities have positive views on students but rarely pay attention to individual student guidance.(3) Private technical colleges emphasize university education and students affairs guidance principles less than other school types.(4) Administrators of student affairs, academic affairs, pedagogical affairs and tutors in universities all view ”academic specialties and capabilities” as the most important university education goal.(5) Administrators of pedagogical and student affairs show more active attitudes to providing services to students and promoting better learning.Finally, recommendations for the professional development and efficiency of student affairs and for the further researches are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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