


A Study of the Change Rates of the "Mini-three-links" Exchanges in Kinmen and Matsu




紀博棟(Po-Tung Chi)


金馬地區 ; 小三通 ; 交流變化率 ; 兩岸經貿 ; 兩岸關係 ; Kinmen and Matsu ; Mini-three-links ; Change Rate of Exchanges ; Cross-strait Economy and Trade ; Cross-strait Relations




22期(2013 / 04 / 01)


75 - 100






Cross-strait exchanges have very important political and economic meanings. The ”Mini-three-links” exchanges of cross-strait economy and trade have the theoretical bases of economic theories and political economy theories, and they have very complex political and economic relations. This study adopted the positive research approach and mainly used statistical methods to research the change rate of the ”Mini-three-links” exchanges of cross-strait economy and trade.This study found that the average quarterly data rates of the ”Mini-three-links” exchanges of cross-strait economy and trade were all positive and most quite high. Therefore, the ”Mini-three-links” of Kinmen and Matsu were successful and growing well. But the change rates of the ”Mini-three-links” exchanges were very large and did not follow the normal distribution. It may be due to the complex economic factors and non-economic factors of political and social factors, etc. of the Cross-strait Relations. In the change rates of exchanges test, six of the correlation coefficients were significantly but the values were not high. In the nonparametric test of the change rates of exchanges, the results showed no significant differences. Before the implementation of the ”Big-three-links”, the average and big values of the change rates of exchanges were larger than the values of the ”Big-three-links” put into practice. In addition, to study the relationships of the growths of the exchanges of economic and trade between the ”Big-three-links” and the ”Mini-three-links” have four directions in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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