With the coming of Knowledge Economic age, the development of the activities of Knowledge Intensive Business Service (KIBS) may be interpreted as one of the marking trends in the industrialized countries. In the future of the short-term goal, the development of KIBS in Taiwan is to solve “Technical Problem”. On the other hand, the long-range objective is to resolve “Human Resource Problem”.
The purpose of this research is discussing the knowledge workers of Hi-Tech Industrial Cluster with the Knowledge Sharing Types, the Flow, and the Human Research Performance. According to the aspect of ”80% of profits are come from 20% of Key Accounts.”, we try to find out whether the 80% of competitive advantages are mainly come from the 20% of employees’ performance or not. Therefore, this research takes the knowledge workers of High-Tech Industrial Cluster as the experimental objects, discusses the relations between “knowledge sharing inclination” and “knowledge property”, and then induces four types of matrices of “knowledge sharing degree”. Furthermore, this research discusses the relations between the high or low of knowledge workers’ knowledge sharing degree and their flow experience. Eventually, we survey knowledge workers’ performance by using the Learning and Growth Perspective of the Balanced Scorecard. We hope to provide the enterprises some suggestions about the development of KIBS, succeed to find out the 20% of mainly high performance employees, and promote the competitive advantages of the whole enterprises.
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