


Ethical Theories and Professional Ethical Education




沈清松(Vincent Shen)


專業倫理 ; 倫理理論 ; 倫理教育 ; 效益論 ; 義務論 ; 德行論 ; professional ethics ; ethical education ; ethical theories ; utilitarianism ; deontological ethics ; virtue ethics




3卷2期(1996 / 06 / 01)


1 - 17




專業倫理教育可分兩種式進行:一方面可以溶入式教學法,在專業課程中進行,討論專業知識和技術如何合乎倫理要求。另一方面,也可以專業倫理學方式進行,評析各種倫理學理論,討論倫理價值與規範,也可以討論各種倫理安全與實踐情境。後一種方法較適於在通識教育中進行。 本文檢討三種主要的倫理學-效益論、義務論與德行論,評價它們與專業倫理教育的關係,分析其優缺點。本文指出,效益論(含規則效益論)的專業倫理,雖是工商業社會所常見,但只能對追求快樂與利益的現代潮流予以推波助瀾,卻無益於專業人員走出虛與主義的幽谷。也因此效益論的專業倫理有其限制,必需進一步用義務論和德行論的專業倫理加以提升和轉化。 但在今天虛無主義猖獗和社會規範解構的情況下,義務論的專業倫理也有其限制,因為只講義務和自律並不能激發人的動機去向善、行善。在規範解組之時,人們極想從規範和束縛中解脫,其所追求的更是自由、愛與創造。人們想的是透過一般倫理和專業倫理實踐成為怎樣的人,而不是為義務而義務。對此,德行論的專業倫理可謂專業倫理的冠冕,因為從德行論的專業倫理看來,專業人員也可以透過在專業工作中,養成良好習慣與道德判斷力,實現專業理想,達至個人能力的卓越與良好關係的滿全。


Theoretical foundation is needed for education in professional ethics in order to conduct professional behavior ethically with self-awareness and self- reflection. Three ethical theories are evaluated in this paper for the purpose of teaching professional ethics in the program of general education: utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics and virtue ethics. Utilitarianism, with its modified version of rule utilitarianism, is often refereed to as theoretical foundation of professional ethics, especially in business ethics. Many regulations that we find in the professional code of ethics are also formulated with utilitarian ideas. But utilitarianism, although supported by psychological argument, does not help people get through the darkeness of nihilism that we are all suffering in this fin-de-siècle atmosphere. It is also the case with deontological ethics. Its' emphasis on behaving according to obligations for their own sake could offer better basis to the dignity of moral act. But, in this time of deconstruction of all moral and ethical codes, too much emphasis on obligation just could not motivate people to ethical action. Finally we come to virtue ethics. Virtue is understood both as the excellence of personal ability and the harmonization of human relationship. From virtue ethics we could derive all the profession ideals necessary for motivating professional ethical behavior. Virtue ethics needs not to be contrary to utilitarianism or deontological ethics. It just accomplishes them. In teaching profession ethics, these three theories form a three-level conceptual framework for analysis. They could be seen as different but complementary, constituting a holistic vision of moral education taking professional virtues-understood both as excellence of profession ability and as harmonization of professional relationship-as its highest objective.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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