


A Dialogue between "Expertise-Profession" Ethics and "General" Education: An Experience of Chang Jung Christian University




郭青青(Catherine Ching-Ching Kuo)


專業倫理 ; 通識教育 ; 長榮管理學院 ; expertise-profession ethics ; general education ; Chang Jung Christian University




6卷3期(1999 / 09 / 01)


11 - 34




進入二千年前夕,追溯過去數百年人類歷史,無容置疑,科技成為人類文明的中心,且以空前快速如上了高速不歸路似的往前開展。一九三三年在美國芝加哥舉行的「進步的世紀博覽會」,所推出的口號:「科學發現、技術應用、人則依從」。當時充滿對科技的信心與希望,無人異議。如今,當然誰也不能否認科技固有其正向建設面,但也要承認科技同時有其負向破壞面。由自然生態環境與資源的被侵犯、破壞來看似是最明顯不過的例子。不幸的結果:科技的消極力量往往大於積極力量,造成本世紀震憾性的反諷可能是:我們所沈迷、被吸引的知識,正在帶領我們走向毀滅之途!甚至,這種科技帶來人類毀滅性負面影響是屬潛意識性的,亦即人若不反思便不易發現,因此「無知」也不承認它的存在。換言之,我們學術界不少認真苦心積慮做研究的專家教授或專業(科技)人才,一些或許對人類社會雖無建樹助益但至少不至造成危害;但若情懷不足,唯利是圖,不具「通」「識」的偏才,就難保證不做出危言文化,偏離建設文明之途! 清華研究生用王水毀友屍,台大法律系學生想要大哥大居然陷入搶劫等案件所表達的均是背道「師說」:所謂傳道、授業、解惑三項最重大的教育目標與使命。本文則願針對「專業」掛師教育的倫理課題提出詢問,同時嘗試性願針對專業倫理課題與「通識」教育交談,並以「長榮」經驗為例,乃訂定如下綱要之探索旅程: 一、「專業」(科技)教育涵意之正確定位 二、「通識」教育涵意之正確定位 三、「專業」倫理與「通識」教育的交談 四、長榮管理學院經驗之描述


While approaching the new Millenium as we look back into the past hundred years we can rightly say that the last century has been the age of science and technology. Paradoxically human beings have devoted their lives and energy to develop sciences and technologies in such a way we are now totally controlled by our own ”creatures”. The motto for THE FIRST WORLD EXPO, Chicago, 1933, says, ”Science Finds. Industry Applies. Men Conforms.” True, there were times we placed our complete trust and hope in science and technology. Today we still affirm their greatness and, positive contribution to humanity. However, we do have to confess the destruction that have come out of the uncontrolled, unrestrained development of science and technology. The most harmful destruction is that we are not aware of its seriousness. In other words, without deep reflection and honest reevaluation on the hows and whys of the scientific and technological development, we remain ignorant about the terrifying situation we are in. In the academic world there are great numbers of scholars, experts who are doing their best in their own respective field. However, when the vision and insight are missing in our doings then there will only be scholars with their respective expertise aiming for profits. If this is the case, then, we are truly facing the danger of creating harm to the human civilization. The graduate student of Ching Hua University used her expertise to kill her friend. The law student from National Taiwan University robbed just for Cellular phone. What are all these incidences telling us? Obviously they were cases which were totally out of the right tracks of ”SHY SHUO” (Aims of Education): Transmitting Ways, Imparting Knowledge, Interpreting Problems.” This essay questions the ”professional” ethics which emphasizes on ”the utmost importance of the expertise and at the same invites a tentative dialogue between ”general” education and ”expertise-profession” ethics. This dialogue will be based on my Chang Jung experience. The outline of the essay is as follows: Ⅰ. The proper meaning and understanding of ”expertise-profession” education Ⅱ. The proper meaning and understanding of ”general” education Ⅲ. A Dialogue between ”expertise- profession” ethics and ”general” education Ⅳ. An experience with Chang Jung Christian university

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學