”Tsu-chü” (drama set) is a new form of drama creation which is developed in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. There will be two major points including in this paper: the first one is to give definition of tsu-chü and to make a clear list of tsu-chü of Ming Dynasty. The second one is to probe into the substance of tsu-chü of Ming Dynasty. In my opinion, tsu-chü is a collection of tsa-chü, combining of several different plays with the same title. Each play in the tsu-chü is independent and completed; on the other hand, different plays in the tsu-chü are combined as a whole because of their related material, content or theme. According to this definition, we can get fifteen tsu-chü works in Ming Dynasty, which include one hundred plays. The extant tsa-chü works that were created after the middle of the Ming Dynasty are totally one hundred and sixty-nine plays. Among them, there are eighty-two plays belonging to the field of tsu-chü, and the percentage is 48%.According to the result, wecan find that tsu-chü has great influence on the whole style of tsa-chü that were created after the middle of the Ming Dynasty. To analyze the writing intentions of tsu-chü, one is out of writer's subjectivity, and the other is out of otiosity. The two intentions reflect the writer's critical spirit, living taste and aesthetic appreciation, which are typical characteristics of traditional Chinese literators. Basis on the two writing intentions, subjectivity and otiosity, the main substance of tsu-chü are expressing the frustration of politically unsuccessfulness, criticizing the filthy society, displaying literator's talent and taste and showing the sentiment of poetic implication. What worth noticing is that, the most important subject of the tsa-chü after the middle of the Ming Dynasty-love-only plays a small part in tsu-chü. It shows that the creation of tsu-chü is distinguished from the contemporary writing trend and is stylistic independent. Furthermore, when we find the substance of tsu-chü is similar to those of the tsa-chü after the middle of the Ming Dynasty, most of the time it's not because tsu-chü follows the contemporary writing current, but because it plays the major role of constructing the whole style of the tsa-chü creation at that time. From this, we can see clearly how much an important role tsu-chü plays among the tsa-chü creation after the middle of the Ming Dynasty.