


An Investigation into the Dissemination of and Reception Toward Xu Xue-Yi's "Shi-Yuan Bian-Ti" by Literary Scholars in the Later Years of the Ming Dynasty




謝明陽(Ming-Yang Shieh)


晚明 ; 詩學 ; 許學夷 ; 《詩源辯體》 ; 李維楨 ; 鄒迪光 ; 夏樹芳 ; the Late Ming Dynasty ; poetics ; Xu Xue-Yi ; Li Wei-Zhen ; Zou Di-Guang ; Xia Shu-Fang




5期(2003 / 07 / 01)


299 - 337




自北京人民文學出版社於1987年發行點校本《詩源辯體》以來,此書的詩學成就與價值便逐漸為學術界所釐清、肯定。當今論者多能同意,許學夷《詩源辯體》是中國截至明代為止,系統最嚴密、內容最龐大、詩歌史意識最强烈的一部論詩著作。然而,如此一部詩學鉅著,竟然在歷史中沈寂了三百多年,直至近十餘年方才廣爲人知,其中緣由實頗耐人尋味。本文即由此問題出發,探討許學夷《詩源辯體》在晚明的傳播與接受的情形,試圖發掘其人其書未能見重於當時的原因,並藉此議題以呈現晚明詩學的特色。 文章除前言、結語外,共分成四小節進行論述;首節先考察《詩源辯體》由明代旅行家徐霞客代爲傳書而後在艱困環境中兩度刻印的情形,以闡明此書在晚明時期的傳播形式;其後三小節則以李維楨、鄒迪光、夏樹芳所撰〈詩源辯體序〉的討論重心,除了分析李維楨諸人與許學夷詩學觀念的異同外,更剖析了三篇〈詩源辯體序〉的思想內涵以及許學夷對諸人序文的回應,以揭示晚明文壇對於《詩源辯體》的接受態度。經由本文的探討,我們確實可從《詩源辯體》的梓行、許學夷當時的聲名、許學夷負氣多傲的性格、晚明詩學發展的趨勢等幾個層面,為《詩源辯體》未能顯揚於成書之時提出合理的解釋,並能由此以窺得晚明詩學流變的一個側面。


Ever since the corrected version of Xu Xue-Yi's ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” was published by the Beijing People's Literature Publishing House (Ren-Min Wen-Xue Chu-Ban She) in 1987, the achievements and values of this masterpiece have been appreciated and widely recognized by many literary scholars. Moreover, most contemporary scholars would agree that the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti,” what with its carefully-crafted structure and wide-ranging contents, embodies the history of Chinese poetry up to the time of the later years of the Ming Dynasty. However, despite its potential contributions as an endearing and timeless masterpiece of Chinese literature, the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” was largely ignored by scholars for over three centuries until the late 1980s for a number of obscure and mysterious reasons. This paper begins by investigating these reasons by discussing the means through which the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” was disseminated and received by literary scholars in the Late Ming Dynasty. More specifically, this work attempts to shed light on some of the defining characteristics of the literary environment of the later years of the Ming Dynasty by addressing some of the reasons why the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” was not held in high esteem at its time of writing. This essay is divided into four sections. The first section describes the circumstances in which Xu Xia-ke, a travel writer of the time, disseminated the text, and how the work was later published twice in times of great economic hardship. The remaining three sections evolve around the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti-Xu,” three prefaces of the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” composed by Li Wei-Zhen, Zou Di-Guang, and Xia Shu-Fang, discussing these authors' comments concerning Xu Xue-Yi's work and his subsequent responses in order to show how the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” was received by literary scholars in the Late Ming Dynasty. By juxtaposing the circumstances surrounding the early publishings of the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti,” Xu Xue-Yi's reputation at the time, Xu Xue-Yi's apparent high estimations of his own literary talents, and general trends in literary criticism in the late Ming Dynasty, the present paper attempts to explain why the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” was not held in high regard when it was written. It is the author's hope that this discussion of the ”Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti” and how it was disseminated among and received by the scholars of its own time might offer readers a glimpse of the evolution of poetics in the later years of the Ming Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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