


Studying the Depth Perceptual Relationship Between Composition Directionality and 3D Image


黃雅玲(Ya-Ling Huang)


立體影像 ; 構圖 ; 方向性 ; 深度視覺 ; 3D images ; compositions ; directionality ; depth perception




8期(2004 / 12 / 01)


95 - 118






This study attempts to understand the compositional directionality of 3D images. It is done by using stimulus compositions with eight types of directionality to test the 3D image direction perceptions of 50 design students at AH University of Technology. The results were analyzed via ANOVA assays and Chi-Square test assays to determine the 3D image directionality of each types. The findings indicate that the zone of depth perception was generally the same as that found in other relevant perceptual research. The central position in a composition was usually strongly identifiable in the zone of depth perception. When eight stimulus images with respective directionality of 0 degree, 45 degree, 90 degree, 135 degree, 180 degree degree, 225 degree, 270 degree, and 315 degree were shown to the 50 respondents, it was found that the 3D image was easy to perceive when directional elements were added to the composition. This suggests that when directional compositions are expressed as 3D images, the directionality becomes an important factor in perceiving the 3D image. Based on the study's conclusion, future teaching of relevant visual applications may need to place more attention on directionality as an aspect of composition.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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