


A Structural Analysis of Taiwan's Radio Industry in the Case of the Airwaves Deregulation Policy




孫彬訓(Pin-Hsun Sun)


廣播產業 ; 電波開放 ; 集中度 ; 聯播 ; airwaves deregulation policy ; radio industry ; radio network




1卷2期(2002 / 01 / 01)


225 - 287




民国八十二年以来,政府陸績開放廣播電台,除原有二十九家廣播事業,第一至第八梯次開放申設取得籌設資格的一一八家電台陸績完成籌設加入市场。而在第九及第十梯次廣播频率陸精開放的情形之下,各電台從申请频道到投入市场,兢争日益激烈,也影警整體廣播市场及生態的改燮,各家電台也不断调整其定位及经營策略,以兢逐有限的廣播市场大餅。本研究以廣播產業结構分析為研究主题,依照電波開放政策及相關研究之俊,提出四大假投: 1 電波開放俊,電台的数目燮多,集中度较為分散。 2 電波開放俊,電台颊型舍更多,瘾不遇择增加。 3 電波開放俊,廣播座案崖值成畏率提高。 4 電波開放俊,電台颊型越多,收聽人口比例提高。 本研究發現前三個假设均未獨得驗證,第四假设獨得驗證,也就是電波開放之俊,收聪人口比例提高。而目前的廣播的集中度遇朴集中、聊播行岛日益典盛,已逐渐失去政府電波明放之原意,本研究建裁未来在案者方面,可精拯癸展找寻没有被服矜、具朋癸潜力的族群;在政府部阴方面,在朋放電台轨照申请、换照容核、政策规割睁,愿考虑各地区既有電台的座素情形,進行有效的管理策略,如此赞管杳下,方能速到政府、電台经营者、简聽眾三赢的局面。


Since 1993, the government has consistently opened the market of the radio broadcasting. After eight sessions of examination, there are in total 118 radio stations approved and joined the broadcasting market. With more broadcasters entering the market, the competition from license application to operation is becoming more and more vigorous. The government’s policy to open the marketplace has affected the entire radio broadcasting industry and its environment. Every station seeks to fine-tune its target market and business strategies in order to compete for the limited market share of the radio broadcasting. The study mainly focuses on the structural analysis of the radio broadcasting industry. By comparing and contrasting the government policy itself with some related studies, four assumptions were proposed: 1 With the opening of airwaves, the amount of stations increases and the extent of market concentration decreases. 2 With the opening of airwaves, the variety of the stations increases and the diversity of choice multiplies. 3 With the opening of airwaves, the productivity of the broadcasting industry increases. 4 The more variety of types of radio stations, the more the number of the audience. The result shows that the first three assumptions are not valid. The fourth assumption, more station variety leads to more audience, is valid. The study also found that the degree of market concentration is too high, and the phenomenon of trans-broadcasting is more and more serious. This has breached the initial purpose of the government to open the market. The study suggests that the broadcasters should explore more actively for those market sectors with great potential but under-served. Maenwhile, the government shold resort to more effective administrational strategies in aspects such as license approval, renewal, and policy planning. By efforts from both private and public sectors, an all-win situation can be created for the government, the radio broadcasters, and the audience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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