


A Study on the Concentration Ratio of Taiwan's Film Market in the 1990s




黃詩凱(Shih-Kai Huang)


映演市場 ; 産業集中度 ; 電影工業 ; concentration ratio of industry ; film market ; movie




2卷2期(2003 / 01 / 01)


157 - 174




台灣電影工業的不景氣和國際影展的傑出表現,形成有趣而強烈的兩極對比,産官學界關心電影的人士對此也有諸多爭論。本研究以産業集中度的觀點出發,試圖描繪出九○年代台灣電影工業映演市場的概況,包括影片票房、發行商以及電影院獲利的集中情形。在分析相關資料時,雖然將産業集中度視爲電影政策制定的重要指標,但同時也將電影工業不同於一般産業的文化面向一併思考,以避免忽略電影文化工業的特性,造成經濟決定論的盲點。在詳細蒐集及分析九○年代台灣電影映演市場資料後,本研究有下列發現: 1.票房佔有率的變動趨勢由得香港電影轉移至美商八大電影 2.映演市場一致呈現高度集中的趨勢 3.發行部門利用既有資源成功塑造主流觀影價值,維持寡佔地位。


The contrast between Taiwan's crippled film industry and its impressive record in international film festivals led to divergent explanations. This study uses the measure of market share and among others (including box office records of movies, distribution companies, and theaters) to analyze Taiwan's film industry in the 1990s. Central to the research findings is that a large measure of film market share previously held by the Hong Kong productions was taken over by those of Hollywood production in the 1990s. Furthermore, key sectors of Taiwan's local film industry including production, distribution, and exhibition has been highly concentrated. Last but not the least, this study shows that major film distribution companies in Taiwan have abused their power to maintain an oligopoly market which was turned to the advantage of the imported Hollywood films.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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