


The Differentiation and Relative Advantage of Contents between E-newspaper and Traditional Newspaper: The Case of China Times Inc




張意曼(Yi-Man Chang);陳柏宏(Po-Hung Chen)


中時電子報 ; 內容分析 ; 區位理論 ; 報紙 ; 電子報 ; China Times Interactive ; content analysis ; e-newspaper ; newspaper ; niche theory




2卷2期(2003 / 01 / 01)


209 - 230




本研究從區位理論的角度來探討在台灣發展已久的電子報,在網路泡沫化的今日,其在內容上與報紙相比具有何種差異、優勢,以從中了解電子報的發展現況,並提供其未來一個方向。而本研究從台灣電子報發優異的中時報系著手,來探討電子報與報紙在報導類型及新聞主題內容上的差異,結果本研究發現電子 報成長緩慢,雖然其發展已有一段時間,但是,仍未依其特有的發展出自己的一條路,其在區位寬度及區位優勢上,中時傳統報紙都比中時電子報佔更多的優勢,而與報紙的區位重疊度也高。可見在電子報內容特色的發展上,未來還有很長的一段路要走。


In order to understand the current situation of Taiwan's newspaper and to provide a vision for future development, this research discusses the differentiation and relative advantage of e-newspaper and it's difference from traditional newspaper in Taiwan. The research studies an outstanding e-newspaper, ”China Times,” in the market to further discuss and probe the difference of news' themes and categories between e-newspaper and traditional newspaper based on the niche theory. The result indicates that, although e-newspaper has been developed for several years, its growth is too slow and fails to develop its own advantage. Traditional newspaper outperforms e-newspaper in the niche breadth, the niche advantage, and the degree of niche overlap is high. In a nutshell, e-newspaper still has a long way to go in building its own character for content.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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