


The Synergy of Marketing Cultural Commodities Creaed by the press:The Cases of "Qin's Tarra-cotta" and "The Ancient Civilization of India" Organized by Daily News Group




林富美(Fu-Mei Lin);沈宜蓉(Yi-Jung Shen);陳健倫(Chien-Lun Chen)


藝術展覽 ; 綜效 ; 文化商品 ; 整合行銷傳播 ; art exhibitions ; cultural commodities ; integrated marketing communication ; synergies




3卷2期(2004 / 01 / 01)


67 - 104






These years, media firms begin to invest in culture industry. This Phenomenon can be witnessed in art exhibitions held by the China Times and the United Daily News. The article case-studies the intention of media firms to hold art exhibitions and analyzes how they employ their own resources to create synergy. We found that by organizing such fairs, media firms can use their own sources to reduce financial risk and achieve operational synergy. The strategy for promoting art exhibitions is different from marketing regular commodities. Besides, by promoting art, media firms become more competitive and can develop a symbiotic relation with the field of artistic production.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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