


The Rhetorical Analysis of a Media Reform Movement: The Case of “Campaign for Citizens' TV”




王靖婷(Ching-Ting Wang)


公共電視 ; 社會運動語藝批評 ; 媒體改造運動 ; 無線電視民主化聯盟 ; Campaign for Citizens' TV ; media reform movement ; public television ; rhetoric of social movement




4卷1期(2004 / 07 / 01)


1 - 34






“The Campaign for Citizens' TV” is significant in media reform history in Taiwan. This article contributes to our understanding of media reform movement rhetoric. Since its idea of public TV is an unfamiliar and abstract concept in Taiwan, from the beginning, the movement had faced the difficulties of building legitimacy. The Campaign for Citizens' TV met those difficulties by transforming perceptions of reality, employing reasoning appeal, coactive and transcendence strategies. The movement members also took several measures of actions, such as joining political conferences, conducting research, holding seminars or speeches, and so on. However, their strategies only achieved preliminary persuasive functions, and the values employed by the campaigners were not connected with their targets. Therefore, we suggest that future campaigners adjust rhetoric strategies according to their audiences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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