


Marginal Media or Profitable Industry?-An Analysis of the System of Sales Promoting Talk Rodio




陳婷玉(Ting-Yu(Anne) Chen);王舜偉(Perry Wang)


媒介生態 ; 結構性媒介系統依賴理論 ; 廣播賣藥節目 ; media ecology ; media system dependency theory ; sales promoting tald radio




4卷1期(2004 / 07 / 01)


59 - 83




本研究以結構性媒介依賴理論(structural media system dependency theory )為基礎,探究廣播賣藥產業系統中各結構間的關係。筆者參與觀察廣播賣藥節目運作,並訪談廣播賣藥節目從業人員,發現廣播賣藥系統中的主要組織包括廣播賣藥電臺、廣播賣藥節目製作單位、指定藥房及藥廠,該四個組織間的關係相互依賴但並不平等,指定藥房較為依賴廣播賣藥媒體擁有的行銷管道;而廣播賣藥電臺則依賴廣播賣藥節目外制單位的進駐,因此,身兼藥品代理經銷商的廣播賣藥節目外制單位是在廣播賣藥節目媒介系統中最強勢的結構,但他們所冒的風險也最大。而整個廣播賣藥節目媒介系統中最重要的依賴為廣播賣藥媒體所控制的珍貴資源-購藥聽衆,以及與購藥聽衆相關的資源系統,包括藥品利潤、簽台費等,支撐了系統組織間的依存運作,連到廣播賣藥媒介系統中各個組織的目標。


The study uses media system dependency theory to portray the media system of the sales promoting talk radio. To explore the structural media system relationships, the methods of participatory observation and in-depth interviews were applied. Major structures in the system include the radio station, the program producing company, the drugstore, and the pharmaceutical factory. It was found that drugstores are comparatively more dependent on the radio station and program producing company for promoting commodity(mostly Chinese medicine), while radio stations need the producing company to buy air times. Asymmetric power relationships were identified among structures. The relation between the radio station and the producing company is interdependent. The radio station has the channel resources, while the producing company owns the message resources. The two must work hand in hand to send the promoting message to the audience. All structures maintain a cooperative yet competing, even conflicting relationship to share resources in the system and to accomplish individual goals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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