


The Change of the Group Climate and the Therapeutic Factors in the Group Psychotherapy for Taiwanese Sexual Offenders




陳若璋(Joe-Chang Road Chen);鍾明勳(Ming-Shun Chung);陳筱萍(Sheau-Ping Chen);沈勝昂(Sheng-Ang Shen);林正修(Cheng-Hsiu Lin);唐心北(Hsin-Pei Tang);吳嘉瑜(Chia-Yu Wu);黃健(Chien Huang);黃介良(Chieh-Liang Huang);施志鴻(Chin-Hung Shih)


本土性加害者 ; 團體治療 ; 團體氣氛 ; 療效因素 ; Taiwanese sexual offender ; group psychotherapy ; group climate ; therapeutic factors




10卷3期(2004 / 09 / 30)


1 - 15




目的:本研究之目的在瞭解台灣本土性侵害加害人,在施以再犯預防模式之團體心理治療過程中團體氣氛及團體療效因子之變化。 方法:本研究針對監獄或社區中接受身心治療之性罪犯,實施為期二十次以預防再犯計畫為主的團體心理治療計畫,計得有效樣本80人。將團體過程中所收集之問卷資料以成對樣本T檢定、趨勢分析進行分析。 結果:本研究結果為1.團體氣氛投入度,在團體中期後,呈現越來越高的投入度。而衝突度,在團體中期後呈現緩和之趨勢。2.在團體早期至中期時,成員覺得家庭重現、感到普同感、及讓成員覺得有更深的自我瞭解等,皆具療效;而中期至晚期則以人際學習及希望灌注為最重要的療效因子。 結論:團體早期催化成員的自我瞭解及成長,則團體的投入度會上升且衝突度會下降。團體後期在人際互動的脈絡下,運用再犯預防等技術,可幫助成員看到希望,提升治療的效果。


Object: The purpose of this research was to find the change of the group climate and the therapeutic factors in the group psychotherapy for the Taiwanese sexual offenders. Method: This research applied the group psychotherapy with 20 sessions based on relapse prevention to 80 sexual offenders in the jail or in the community. All of the data collected by questionnaires during the course of the group psychotherapy are analyzed by paired-T test. Result: First, the engaging in the middle and late stage of the group became higher and the avoiding behavior reduced after the middle stage. Second, the reexperience of the family, universe and self-understanding were the most important therapeutic factors in the early to middle stage of the group and the interpersonal learning and installation of the hope were the most important therapeutic factors in the middle to late stage. Conclusion: Emphasizing on the childhood experience and the developmental history would facilitate the increase of the engaging and reduction of the conflict in early stage. Appling techniques such as relapse prevention in the interpersonal context would help the member to see the hope.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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