


Search for Meaning in the Suicide Chaos: The Pilot Study of Applying Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy in Psychiatric Patients with Suicide Risk


莊淑婷(Shu-Ting Zhuang);詹佳達(Chia-Ta Chan)


自殺 ; 絕望感 ; 意義治療 ; 存在心理治療 ; 意義中心團體心理治療 ; suicide ; hopelessness ; logo therapy ; existential psychotherapy ; meaning-centered group psychotherapy




21卷3期(2015 / 09 / 30)


31 - 45






Purpose: This pilot study tried to find out the possibility of increasing the sense of meaning as a primary intervention for psychiatric patients with suicide risk. Methods: It was a case study to explore the phenomenon of the therapeutic group which applied the meaning-centered group psychotherapy model (MCGP). The participators were referred from the psychiatric outpatient department. Results: All participants had a need of engagement. MCGP is an intervention based on psychoeducational counseling, and in this pilot study, it is added with the character of here-and-now because of the frequent interpersonal interaction. Meaning rose from in-and-out of group interpersonal interaction. Other ultimate concerns- Death, Freedom and Isolation, also evolved in the MCGP model. Conclusions: It works for psychiatric patients with suicide risks to increase the sense of meaning as a primary intervention. It is also worth to keep on research if it works or not to apply MCGP model for the general psychiatric patients with suicide risk.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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