Objectives: The psychosis syndrome of schizophrenia is one of the most important mental disorders. Recreation therapy is one of the common treatment for schizophrenia, and singing group is one of the most common clinical recreation activity. Methods: In this research, we focus on the group singing therapy to identify the therapeutic factors on long-term psychiatric patients, with respect to patient gender, onset duration, and patient education. The subjects were 19 clients from a psychiatric rehabilitation home in New Taipei City. They joined singing group in 8 weeks. We used Yalom's Therapeutic Factors Questionnaire to measure the factors and t-test to compute the factors of influence. Results: The top two therapeutic factors of experimental group were universality and catharsis; the top two therapeutic factors of control group were universality and interpersonal learning. Besides,the 12 therapeutic factors of the experimental group whole higher than the control group, and 12 of them reached significant level(p < 0.05). And, the therapeutic factors of the experimental group is irrelevant to the patient gender, patient education and the length of time of onset. Conclusions: It is suggested that group singing therapy may benefit to long-term psychiatric patients, and future research could enlarge samples to explore the therapeutic factors of group musical therapy.
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