


The Evaluation of the Production Values of the Recreational Agriculture Industry in I-Lan County




吳中峻(Chung-Chun Wu);陳凱俐(Kai-Lih Chen);林豐政(Feng-Jenq Lin)


休閒農業 ; 產值 ; 上下界估計值 ; recreational agriculture ; production value ; lower bound estimation




9期(2003 / 12 / 01)


47 - 83




有鑒於休閒農業在宜蘭縣的重要,本文透過對休閒農業場、區經營者的調查和訪談,整理宜蘭縣境內之所有休閒農業場、區之主要資源及經營項目,予以歸納整理,並進一步評估各類休閒農業在本縣所創造的經濟效益,提供農政單位未來在休閒農業施政及輔導農民由傳統農場轉型為休閒農場的參考指標。本文主要將從生產面估計產值,由休閒農場經營業者調查估計宜蘭休閒農業之產值。 由於既有文獻中並無從生產面估計產值者,因此本文以近乎普查的方式針對宜蘭地區休閒農業場(區)經營者進行調查,並透過問卷設計方式,以住房率及平均每日遊客人數為基準,試圖從生產面估計宜蘭休閒農業之產值。由於住房率及平均每日遊客人數為基準的兩種估計結果並不相同,其中以住房率估計結果之產值較低,故以此為下界估計值。估計結果顯示,宜蘭縣164家休閒農場(區)一年的總產值約為22億5,252萬元,其中有4億4,140萬元是由採果、農業體驗及與自然生態有關之農業體驗(或生態)之休閒農業所創造出來;展示、店面銷售、解說導覽及門票等農業生產之休閒農業產值總計在9億4,580萬元;包含住宿、餐飲、露營、烤肉等餐飲住宿(或生活)之休閒農業產值總計為8億6,532萬元。平均每家農場(區)的總產值為1,373萬元,而平均每公頃的休閒農業總產值為151萬元,遠高於傳統農戶的平均收益。


As the reflection of the importance of the recreational agriculture in I-Lan county, this article categorizes the major resources and management items of recreational agriculture sites in the county according to the data and information collected from survey of site owners. The economic benefits created by varied types of recreational agriculture in the county were also estimated to provide indicators for the governments regarding the transformation from traditional farms to recreational agriculture sites. This article estimates the production value from the producers’ side. Since the production value estimation from the producers’ side approach has never been mentioned in the reference, this article conducts a close to thoroughly survey on the owners of the recreational agriculture sites in I-Lan county. Questionnaire were designed to estimate the production value of the recreational agriculture in I-Lan county form the production approach based on the lodging rate and the average daily tourist numbers. Because the production value estimated from the lodging rate was different from and lower than the valued estimated from the average daily tourist number, it is taken as the lower bound of the estimation. The estimation showed that the yearly total production value was NT$2252.52 million. Among the total production value, the values created by fruit picking, agricultural experiencing, and natural ecology related activities were NT$441.4 million. Another amount of NT$945.80 million came from exhibition, products selling, tourists guiding and entrance tickets. For the rest amount of NT$865.32 million was produced from the livelihood activities such as lodging, meals, camping, and barbecue. The average total production value was NT$13.73 million per recreational agriculture site and was NT$1.51 million per acre, which were both much higher than the average benefits of traditional farms.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 管理學
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