


A Study on Analyses and Strategies on Local Culture Industry for Rural Villages




張淑君(Shu-Chun Chang);劉怜均(Ling-Chun Liu);劉純君(Chun-Chun Liu)


地方文化產業 ; 產業分析 ; 行銷管理 ; local culture industry ; industrial analyses ; marketing management




11期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 34




產業的振興緊扣著在地生活共同的未來,近年來,地方文化產業高度之經濟效益,已成為歐美先進國家經濟上之利器。台灣的文化政策起步較晚,直至九○年代,地方意識才逐漸抬頭,適逢地方產業面臨國外農產品開放政策之衝擊,地方產業逐漸朝向生活化、文化化、休閒化的經營型態與趨勢,但並非每個產業都適合從一級產業轉型成為三級產業,遂有此篇文章。 本研究以農村地方文化產業之振興及行銷經營地方文化產業為目的,探討研究案例地區,地方文化產業之產業影響因素、行銷經營概況等,分析比較其產業競爭模式,逐一發現地方文化產業行銷經營策略,供地方文化產業經營管理之參考。 本文分為四個章節,以相關理論回顧、實證案例分析等,利用「地方文化產業」、「產業分析」、「行銷管理」等概念,將地方產業之商品,賦予文化之附加價值,進而帶動地方文化活動與產業文化之認同,創造富有文化、經濟與生活之農村產業新風貌。


Reviving industries is beneficial to local economic development. Local cultural industry has a high economic effect on development in the contemporary advanced countries. In the case of Taiwan, the government initiates policies on cultural industry later than the previous countries as mentioned. It is till 21st century, the bottleneck of local industry facing the challenge of World Trade Organization (WTO), the government starts to emphasize the importance of management on cultural industries, leisure, etc. However, it is not every culture based on primary industry is suitable to develop as a service industry in which discussion, it is the central core of this article. The purpose of study is primarily concerned with reviving local culture industry and marketing management. It discusses empirical studies in relation to factors of cultural industry development, marketing management execution as well as comparing the competitive pattern as a reference for local cultural industries. This study consists of four parts. It mainly explores theoretical, empirical studies in which discusses local culture industry, industrial analyses and marketing management that create an additional value to promote local industries for local economics.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 管理學
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