
The USE of Children's Literature in an American Second Grade Classroom






何祥如(Hsiang-Ju Ho)


兒童讀物 ; 低年級 ; 語文教學 ; 閱讀 ; children's literature ; primary grade ; language arts ; reading




16期(2003 / 06 / 01)


159 - 177




許多研究者相信兒童的語言發展與他們和文字接觸的經驗強烈相關(Chomsky, 1972),因而建議教師們在教材的選定上應該涵蓋真正的兒童讀物(Harste, 1989)。本文為個案研究,旨在論述一個美國教師如何在語文課的課堂上運用兒童讀物的實際經驗。研究對象包括此一教師及其課堂上之學生,參與的老師是美國紐約州二年級的教師。資料蒐集時間大約兩個月,分析的資料包含訪談記錄、觀察筆記,以及教材、教案、與學生作品。資料分析採用分析歸納法(Lincoln & Guba, 1985), 同時也藉由尋求其他專業人士之看法、分析不同來源之資料、徵詢參與教師之意見等方法來確保研究的品質。研究結果發現:一、本個案教室裡有豐富的兒童讀物供學童閱讀;二、個案教師在教材選定以及教學活動中融合了各種語文技能及不同領域或學科的主題;三、教師隨時配合學童的需求並幫助他們學習;四、教師致力於學習過程與成果之間的平衡;五、個案教師所設計的語文學習活動是有意義且有趣的。本研究顯示兒童讀物在教學上之運用並不容易,但若教師能堅信兒童讀物在教學上的價值、用心準備有趣且有意義的教學活動,並評估成效進而改進缺失,則效果仍相當顯著。本文提供了願意採用此教學法教師們一個可資參考的成功範例。


Researchers believe that language development of young children is strongly correlated to their exposure to the written language (Chomsky, 1972). It is suggested that teachers should include real children's literature as teaching materials in their programs (e.g., Harste, 1989). This study illustrates how an American teacher uses children’s books in her language arts program. In this study, a single case, including a teacher and her class, was selected. The participant teacher, Ms. Gardner, was a second grade teacher who taught in New York State, USA. The data collection period lasted about two months. Data sources include observations, interviews, and artifacts. A variation of the technique of analytic induction (Lincoln & Guba, 1985) was used in the data analysis. Peer debriefing, triangulation, and member checks were used to ensure the quality of this study. Five themes emerged across the data sources: a) the classroom was full of opportunities for children to access all kinds of books; b) the teacher integrated skills and different subject areas in literature context and activities; c) the teacher prepared to meet children's needs and to help them learn; d) the teacher sought a balance between the process and the product; and e) the language arts activities were both meaningful and with fun. The findings showed that it was not easy for a teacher to incorporate children's literature in language arts program. In order to be successful, a teacher has to recognize the value of children's books, carefully prepare interesting and meaningful activities, and evaluate these activities. This study provides evidence and examples of the usefulness of literature-based activities. Ms. Gardner's case provides an example for teachers who would like to try a literature-based program.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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