


The Analysis of the first-grade Senior High Students' Cooperative Problem Solving Interactive Process and the Related Affective Outcomes in Mathematics




葉明達(Ming-Da Ye);柳賢(Shian Leou)


數學解題 ; 互動歷程 ; 情意因素 ; mathematical problem solving ; interactive processes ; affective outcomes




16期(2003 / 06 / 01)


233 - 267




本研究主要目的在探討高一學生合作解題時之互動歷程與情意因素。研究對象為四位高雄地區某高中一年級學生,依其意願分為兩個同質性小組。研究採個案處理的方式,以放聲思考、晤談及問卷調查,對研究對象之解題原案進行分析。研究之主要發現及結果如下: 1.本研究所發展之合作解題歷程圖可為分析合作解題互動歷程之有效工具;2.經由該工具之協助,可歸納出個案學生具有固定的合作解題模式;3.合作解題時,小組成員間的「情緒支持」會對解題之堅持力與冒險意願產生增強效應,而解題表現不佳所引發的「退縮」、「防衛」等情意因素會影響後續之解題表現。


The main purpose of this research is to discuss the interactive processes and the affective outcomes of the first-grade senior high students when they cooperate in mathematical problem solving. The subjects are four first-grade senior high students in Kaohsiung. Upon their wills, they are divided into two homogenous groups. This research adopts case study method and analyzes the solving protocol by thinking aloud, interviews and questionnaires. The main findings and results are as follows: 1. The peer-interactive graph is an efficient methodological tool to analyze the processes of cooperative problem solving between students. 2. By using this tool, we can draw a conclusion that the students in this case have a stable problem solving model. 3. When students cooperate to solve problems, the emotional support between members will strengthen their endurance on problem solving and their desire to challenge difficulties. Moreover, the affective outcomes, such as withdrawal and defense, caused by bad performance will influence follow-up problem solving behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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