


Integrating Technology into the Development of Mathematical Teaching Models and a Study of its Effect on Junior High Students' Learning of Basic Geometric Concepts




李俊儀(Chun-Yi Lee);袁媛(Yuan Yuan)


Flash ; 建構式van Hiele五階段學習模式 ; 基礎幾何 ; 資訊科技融入教學 ; Flash ; Constructive van Hiele five-phase learning model ; Basic geometry ; Technology integrated instruction




19期(2004 / 11 / 01)


119 - 142




本研究主要是使用Flash開發出可讓教師教學示範並可引導學生探索、做中學的「國中平面幾何基礎課程」數位教材,並以「建構式van Hiele五階段學習模式」設計學習活動,提供資訊科技融入數學教學模組的教學示例。最後探討資訊科技融入數學教學模組實施之後,對學生數學學習所產生的影響。 本研究採取不等組的前後測之準實驗設計,以研究者自行開發之學習成就測驗與課程意見量表為主要工具,並以桃園縣一所國中的兩個班級為研究樣本,實驗組接受資訊科技融入數學教學所設計的活動,控制組則沒有。筆試後,經由統計與實徵資料分析主要結果如下: 一、實驗組學生在學習成就測驗後測基本層次得分上顯著高於控制組學生。 二、實驗組學生在學習成就測驗延後測總分與各層次得分上與控制組學生並無顯著差異。 三、實驗組不同性別的學生在學習成就測驗後測與延後測得分上都沒有顯著差異。 四、實驗組學生在學習成就測驗測後與前測得分差距的表現,不論是以3/5或4/5為標準的幾何思考層次來看,各思考層次水準學生的表現並無顯著差異。 五、實驗組數學高、中、低成就水準學生分別與控制組數學高、中、低成就水準學生在成就測驗後測得分上沒有顯著差異。 六、實驗組學生在學習成就測驗延後測與前測得分差距表現上,不論以3/5或4/5為標準的幾何思考層次來看,層次2的學生表現都顯著優於層次0的學生。 七、實驗組高數學成就水準在學習成就測驗延後測得分上顯著高於控制組高數學成就水準學生,但控制組中數學成就水準學生在學習成就延後測得分則顯著高於實驗組中數學成就水準學生。 八、實驗組與控制組在長達一個學期的教學實驗後在數學態度得分上沒有顯著的改變。 九、有86%的學生願意再上資訊科技融入數學的類似課程,但是其中認為利用電腦學習有助於學科內容了解的學生約只有70%。 最後根據研究結果與發現,提出若干建議以做為教師教學改進與未來研究之參考。


This paper aimed to develop ”basic geometry” digital teaching materials at the junior high school level. Based on these tools, we also designed learning activities by ”Constructive van Hiele five-phase learning model” as examples of technology-integrated mathematical instruction. Finally, this study adopted a nonequivalent-group pretest-posttest of quasi-experimental design to study its effect on junior high students' learning of basic geometric concepts. The main results as follows: 1. There was a significant difference at basic concept level of the posttest for both groups. 2. There was no significant difference in the retentive test for both groups. 3. There was no significant difference in the posttest and retentive test for boys and girls in the experiment group. 4. There was no significant difference in the difference between posttest and pretest for students with different van Hiele level in the experiment group. 5. There was no significant difference in the posttest for the students with different mathematics ability between two groups. 6. There was a significant difference in the difference between retentive test and pretest for the students with van Hiele level 2 and van Hiele level 0 in the experiment group. 7. There was a significant difference in the retentive test for the students with high mathematics ability between two groups. But there was also a significant difference in the retentive test for the students with middle mathematics ability between two groups. 8. There was no significant difference between the Mathematics Attitude Scale protest and posttest for both groups after the implementation of the instructional experiment this semester. 9. Eighty-six percent of students in the experiment group liked to have similar course in the future and 70% of them agreed that integrating technology into instruction helped their mathematics learning. Based on the results, we proposed several suggestions for the improvement of teaching and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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